Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

The Good and the Bad

Well, today has been a day of good and bad things happening. Thankfully, the good totally outweighs the bad. 😀 Here’s a quick rundown:

The Bad:

1. Tim woke up with a bad headache and has had it all day. Tim NEVER gets headaches. Headaches make Tim a grouchy man.
2. My laptop that we got last weekend is driving me batty. I installed some programs I was using on my Windows XP desktop. Something went horribly wrong and the PC would blue screen every time it restarted. The problem got progressively worse, and last night, Tim declared that we had to totally wipe the hard drive and start over. Even wipe out what was already pre-installed on the laptop when we opened the box. The laptop that came with ZERO disks to reinstall stuff. Argh. He was a huge help and got all of that back on. Now, I’m slowly, one piece at a time, trying to rebuild what I had loaded over the last 5 days. At least 12-15 hours of work, maybe more, that was all lost. And we’re still not sure which program caused the problems. Argh. I am not happy with Windows Vista right now.
3. CBS did not show Survivor here last night, because of the SEC basketball tournament. I was not happy. Luckily, it came on at like 2 AM and we were able to tape it. Now, we have to watch the tape, and I’m avoiding all blogs that might mention Survivor.

The Good:

1. The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day here. Tim is working from home and helping me with my laptop.
2. My library FINALLY got upgraded to a new online system. I went into the library to get setup for it. I can now renew books online, place a hold on a book online, and see what books I have checked out and when they are due. All online! This may not seem like much to anyone else, but this is a vast improvement over what I had before. This makes Stacy a very happy girl!!!
3. While in the library to get setup, I checked out 3 books. They are: The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, Morality for Beautiful Girls (part of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series) and 44 Cranberry Point (part of the Cedar Cove series by Debbie Macomber). Yeah for new library books!
4. While out running errands, I found a new Life is Good t-shirt and Tim bought it for me. These are my favorite products on the planet. Can’t get enough of them. YIPPEE!
5. While out running errands, I found two books I was lacking to complete a series of books by Wanda Brunstetter. I can’t stand to read series books out of order. I have this weird idiosyncrasy about it, and prefer to get the whole series in my grubby little hands before I even start it. Go figure.
6. Tim got his anniversary present today. He is like a kid at Christmas. Read a little about it, and see the pictures, here.
7. Tim took me out to eat for date night. We went to a local rib place and got some wonderfully delicious ribs for two. Baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad and Texas toast on the side. With enough left over for lunch on Saturday. And best of all, we saved all of the bones for Beau. Beau is a happy dog 😀

Anything exciting going on out there in your world? I am probably going to spend an inordinate amount of time this weekend, trying to reload programs and data on this new laptop. Which will put me even further behind on reading all of your blogs and catching up with what’s going on. I hope to come by and visit soon 😛

  1. Gail Said,

    Not a whole lot going on here……Mississippi State did win their ballgame, go Dawgs! I listened to the last bit of it.
    Watched one of your borrowed movies tonight, didn’t realize how old Memphis Belle was!
    Finished a book.
    Hope to get Don to do some yard work tomorrow, ha! I’m probably dreaming!

  2. Gail Said,

    Oh, and you picked up a shirt for me that I wanted! Now I gotta send you a check!

  3. Southern Girl Said,

    Poor Tim! Headaches make me unhappy, too. I hope he was feeling better by your date.

    Ack at the laptop troubles! I don’t suppose I could talk you into returning that laptop and getting a nice MacBook, could I? Guaranteed no blue screen of death. 😉

    I spent the day running around (you can read all about it on my blog) and now I’m trying to get caught up on my blog reading. I”m SO behind!

  4. Debi Said,

    Sure hope Tim’s feeling better!
    And good luck with your computer! (Just thinking about that kind of thing gives me a headache…but then I’m an idiot with technology.)
    Have a great weekend!

  5. deb Said,

    Sorry you had such a problem with your new laptop! We just bought Scott a new desktop computer and he has an option of upgrading to Vista for free but he’s hesitant to do it. Now I can see why!

    Hope you have a really great weekend, Stacy :))

  6. Susie Said,

    Computer problems are the worst! I hope that all gets resolved for you soon. And I hope Tim’s headache gets better soon, too. Jeff is always very irritable when he doesn’t feel good. I think it’s a man thing. 🙂

    I’m glad you had so many good things going on to counteract the bad! There’s just something special about shopping and going out for a good meal that can make any day better, in my book!

    Have a terrific weekend, Stacy!

  7. Cam Said,

    LOL- I just saw where Southern Girl suggested a Mac. That would be my suggestion, too! 😛

    I’m glad you had more good things happen than bad things, at least. That was so thoughtful of you to bring the bones home to BEau! I’m sure he loves you for thinking of him. 🙂

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