Saw this over at Dawn‘s blog the other day and thought I would swipe it. Love these things, so much fun! Thanks Dawn 
Holiday: Christmas or New Years? Ooh, Christmas, definitely. I love it all – the tree, the decorations, the music, the movies, the food, etc. All but the stress of shopping, that is. New Years is not a big thing for us at all. We don’t even go out, just stay home and watch TV or a movie.
Cookies: Sugar or Gingerbread? Gingerbread! Love it!
Decorations: Santa or Snowmen? Snowmen, definitely. I even blogged about them earlier here and posted a couple of pictures of some of my snowmen. 
Decorations: Reindeer or Elves? I’d have to go with Reindeer on this one.
Colors: Red or Green? Wow, can’t pick, love both of those colors. But at Christmas, I do like a lot of red. My tree has a lot on it, and I try to find snowmen with red on them (most of them have blue).
Colors: Gold or Silver? Silver. I have a lot of red and silver on my tree.
Tree Topper: Star or Angel? An angel. I’ve had her a long time and love her. She’s not expensive, but she’s still special to me. She’s the only thing I’ve ever put on my own trees as an adult. Plus, Tim always insists on putting her on last. The very last thing, he won’t let me put her on till the very end 
Stocking Stuffer: Fruit or Candy? Hmm, well I think I got a little of both growing up, but these days, I’d definitely go for the candy. Chocolate, please. 
Tree: Real or Artificial? Ours is artificial. We got a new one this year and it’s prelit, which is really nice, a lot less work! I like the smell of a real one, but not the hassle of watering, needles, disposing of it, and the practical side of me doesn’t like paying for a new one every single year.
Cartoons: Charlie Brown or Rudolph? Rudolph
Movie: It’s a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Carol? Definitely It’s a Wonderful Life. I owned it on VHS and now own it on DVD and try to watch it at least once every year.
Stocking Stuffer: Jewelry or Gift Card? Either would be nice! Tim doesn’t do stockings usually. Whatever I find in my stocking is something I have bought and put in there!
Christmas List: Naughty or Nice? Of course I’m nice! Not a naughty bone in my body 
Drink: Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate, hands down
Holiday Ghost: Past, Present, or Future? Past, I guess… not sure about this one!
Vacation Spot: North Pole or Winter Wonderland? Winter Wonderland. I love snow and cold weather as long as I don’t have to be out in it long or drive in it, hehehe. Love curling up by a big fire, with some hot cocoa.
Holiday Song: Jingle Bells or Silver Bells? I like them both, so this one is a bit hard to pick between. I’d have to go with Jingle Bells though, more upbeat and fun 
Holiday Song: Silent Night or O’ Holy Night? Love both of these too, but O’ Holy Night is definitely in my range more than Silent Night. I heard O Holy Night the other day on the radio and then was singing it all afternoon, even in stores. I probably scared a ton of shoppers 
More Fun: Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Well, ours are different every year. It depends on when my brother-in-law has custody of his kids, and whether or not my family is out of town for the holidays. It changes from year to year, so I really can’t pick. My absolute favorite is any time I can be home for Christmas. We’re normally gone from sunup to midnight to other people’s houses, so any time at our own home is the best and most fun for me.
Lights: Clear or Multi-Colored? White lights everywhere, inside and out
Ornaments: Bulbs or Bows? Bulbs
Tree Decor: Ribbon, Popcorn, or Garland? I don’t have any of these on my tree!
Gifts: Wrapping Paper or Gift Bags? Some of both, but I end up wrapping the majority of mine. Only small things or really really large things usually go in gift bags.
Better To: Give or Receive? To Give
I won’t tag anyone specifically with this, but please feel free to play along if you’d like. I’d love to come read your answers, so leave me a comment that you’re going to play and I’ll be over to visit and check it out.
Merry Christmas!