Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Odds N Ends

I don’t have anything all that interesting to blog about, so I thought I would do some bullets of some of the random and mundane things going on with us:

  • I’ve done about 60% of my Christmas shopping and about half or less of my wrapping. I’m waiting on some items I ordered to be delivered, and I am going to go out today and try to pick up a few more things. I’ll be so glad when it’s all bought and wrapped and maybe I can enjoy some of this holiday season. I hate having the shopping “hanging” over me. I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to!
  • I made a new recipe for honey mustard chicken last night. I found the recipe at CookbookJunkie‘s blog, great site for recipes. Thanks Paula! This one was just for a honey mustard glaze for chicken, which we used as both a basting sauce for the chicken Tim grilled for us, and also as a sauce for the sandwiches we put the chicken on (wheat hoagie buns). We had the sandwiches with pasta salad and honey glazed carrots and Tim said two or three times how good it all was. I think he really enjoyed the change of having a big sandwich for dinner. 🙂
  • We watched another movie last night, and popped some popcorn to eat while watching it. 🙂 Tim likes the garden ranch seasoning and I’m liking the nacho cheese flavor. Anyway, I had taped a movie off of the Hallmark Channel last week, a corny, simple Christmas movie called “The Christmas Card”. It was light and predictable and I really liked it!
  • While watching this movie I taped, I saw a commercial for the next Love’s movie based on the books by Janette Oke. I want to read these books, but just haven’t gotten to them yet. We caught the three other movies that have been made by the Hallmark channel earlier in the year, I think in the summer. We really enjoyed them, so I’ll have to be sure to tape this one to watch. I think this one is called “Love’s Abiding Joy”.
  • Tim and I both made it into the playoffs in our Hambones Fantasy Football league. I’m really excited! I think I will get knocked out the first week of the playoffs, but hey, at least I made the playoffs! Half of our league didn’t make it, so at least I got in.
  • Ugh, Tim and I both have to go to the dentist in the next week. He goes this week and I go next week. But, I will not complain. Going to the dentist is about 1,000 times better to me than going to the gynecologist. I don’t mind nearly as much!
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    1. Cam Said,

      It’s nice to hear what all you’re up to.
      Yikes…the dentist. Well, as you said, at least it’s not the doctor! 😀

    2. jen Said,

      Havent heard from you in awhile….sounds like your on top of the Christmas hustle and bustle….your doing alot better than some people are…..sounds great….email me at jrg301@yahoo.com and I will email you a list of CHristmas movies throughout the month….they are great.

    3. Gail Said,

      I know the feeling of stuff hanging over you, I think I’m feeling the same way! But I’ve done no wrapping yet so gotta get on that.
      I decided to sew something for AC so that might not have been smart but at least it’ll be fun when it’s done!

    4. deb Said,

      You certainly have made more progress with your shopping than I have! I’d give anything to be able to go shopping on a week day. Saturdays and Sundays at the mall are total chaos right now but I can’t afford to take a day right now because I’m saving up to be off on Christmas week ;~)

      Have a great Tuesday, Stace!

    5. Laura Said,

      Good for you on the shopping and wrapping! I only feel pressured when I do things last-minute so I’m trying to stay ahead of things. I have less than half of my wrapping done, too. Fortunately wrapping is highly fulfilling for me, because I am always so proud of my finished results. Even if the recipient doesn’t care. Lol! That’s probably why I like to wrap gifts asap and then put them under the tree for me to admire for a few weeks.

    6. Southern Girl Said,

      DO try and get to those Janette Oke books! I’ve read them all so many times, starting when I was about 13 years old. *g* If you enjoyed the movies, I think you’ll really love the books because they are far and away better than the movies. I hated how watered down the message was and how much extra they felt the need to put in the movies that wasn’t in the books.

    7. Dawn Said,

      1. mmmmmm… i love honey mustard

      2. i loved that Janette Oke series. i’ve read almost everything she’s written.

      3. i can *not* believe i squeaked into the playoffs in the Hambones League! i have no idea how i pulled that off & i will probably get eliminated in the first round too but with what i have to work with, i am impressed i even made it this far.

    8. mamichelle Said,

      I totally agree with you on the shopping AND the gyno!!!

    9. Sherry Said,

      I keep pushing the honey mustard chicken back a week — and another week — and another week! I’m telling ya, it MUST be done! lol

      I am so psyched about “Love’s Abiding Joy” (they are playing all three of the other movies before this one on the 16th! So you can have a marathon!)

      I saw the movie first and then I started reading the books. I must have ordered about 16 or 17 of her books last year! They are amazing! Sweet, innocent, family-oriented, full of faith, but also hardships and wonderful relationships. I think my next book will have to be one of hers, because now that I think about how good they are, I want to read another!



    10. Kathy m Said,

      Ok, can I brag….I think I’m done shopping. Just santa stuff left. I still need to wrap. Maybe tomorrow. I always have it on my list to get to during the day when I don’t have kids, but it doesn’t seem to happen. Oh, well.

      Kathy M.

    11. Becca Said,

      Hey at least you got the dentist, I got the gynecologist! I have an ultrasound on Thursday. This stuff with me is still not over! Makes me wonder if it ever will be..but we are working on it! Mitch is reading 1776, but he has gotten distracted and hasn’t gotten back to it, hopefully he will soon!

    12. southernfriedgirl Said,

      Just came from the dentist yesterday. No cavities. Yeah.

      Yeah, I way prefer the dentist digging in the upper orifice than the one the gyn goes into. No bueno.

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