I finished another library book this afternoon, “Rejoice” by Karen Kingsbury with Gary Smalley. This was book 4 in a series of 5 books in the “Redemption” series. I went on ahead to the library after that (since Tim was at his last golf lesson for a while :mrgreen:), with the intention of checking out the last book in the series. But, someone had beat me to it! It was checked out of the branch I went to. I should have looked online before I left, to see which branch had a copy available, but I didn’t. Actually, I was too excited about going :grin:. I love books, love the library (I’ve blogged about it ad nauseum before), but this time I had something else to be totally excited about – I took my new Palm PDA with my library list on it! 🙂 Yes, I was in a hurry so I could go into the library and browse for the books on my list. Sorted by author, library branch, ranked in priority of what I wanted sooner than later, and even (gasp), if they were books for me or Tim. Needless to say, my Tim list is, um, rather short. 😯 He is not “into” reading these days, and even though I have bought him books lately, they sit on the bookcase shelf collecting dust. Me, on the other hand, I have over 50 books on my library list! 🙂
Anyway, I digress. This makes #23 so far this year, with a total of 8,545 pages read. I couldn’t restrain myself, and rather than checking out my normal 3 books for a 3 week time period, I went ahead and got 4. I’ve been reading 3 in about 2 weeks or less, and the ones I picked out are mostly light, entertaining or quick reads, so I splurged and got 4 books this time. I’ve listed them on my sidebar. They are:
1. Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella
2. A Thousand Tomorrows by Karen Kingsbury
3. Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult
4. Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich
Yippee, I can’t wait! New books to read 