Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Skinny Cows

I blogged a couple of days ago about the Wheat Thins Veggie Chips that I had found and we were liking. Here’s another new find:

Skinny Cow Ice Cream Cones

I have been buying the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches for the last couple of summers, and I really like them, but Tim didn’t. Which, YEAH, meant more for me! But last week when I was grocery shopping, I didn’t see them, but found these ice cream cones instead. Now, Tim loves ice cream cones. Doesn’t like ice cream sandwiches. Go figure. 🙂

Anyway, they had these vanilla with caramel ones and I bought a box. We tried them the other night and they’re good. I got online at the Skinny Cow website and found that they also have Chocolate Fudge ice cream cones. I would like these more, but Tim is more of a vanilla and caramel guy. Anyway, these are good, give them a try!

  1. Gail Said,

    Looks good! But……..do any of the top 5 ingredients have those things in it we aren’t supposed to eat!

  2. Stace Said,

    Gail, I have about decided that the only thing in the grocery store that don’t have those 5 things in them are in the fresh produce section. 🙂

    OK, I went and got the box. Here we go: Skim Milk, Cone (wheat flour, sugar, palm oil, soy lecithin, salt), sugar, Corn Syrup, Cone Coating (Sugar, Coconut Oil, Salatrim, Cocoa, Soy lecithin, vanilla-artificial flavor). Then more if you want, I can post them. It doesn’t have “partially hydrogenated” in it anywhere. I don’t know about the “soy lecithin” or the coconut or palm oil, although I don’t imagine they are in large amounts. They’re not huge cones. 150 calories, 2.5 grams total fat, 2 grams saturated, 0 grams Trans Fat, 4 mg cholesterol. They do have carbs – 29 g of carbs. But, heck, it’s low-fat ice cream, it’s gonna have sugar and milk fats!

    Hope that helps!

  3. Suzanne Said,

    So what are those mysterious 5 “things” ??!!

  4. Julie Said,

    I agree with Suzanne…WHAT ARE THE 5 THINGS! My curiosity is getting the better of me!

  5. Stace Said,

    Hey Julie – I’m so glad you stopped by and left me a comment! 🙂

    OK, let’s see… Gail and I are both into healthy eating as a lifestyle thing. We both made a point to watch this past Monday’s Oprah, where Dr. Oz was on (her new Dr. Phil, but for medical stuff), and he was pointing out bad things to watch for in food labels and good foods (superfoods) you should eat. You can go to the Oprah site and find it, or I’ll try to link it here, I don’t know if links work in comments!


    Basically, the five things to look for in labels and avoid are:
    1. Sugar
    2. High fructose corn syrup
    3. White Flour – even tho it may read “enriched wheat flour” -stay away from the word enriched
    4. Saturated Fat
    5. Hydrogenated oil, or partially hydrogenated oil


  6. Gail Said,

    Palm oil and coconut oil are some of the highest fat and bad oils for you there are!
    Those are basically the 5 things that Stacy listed…..anything that says enriched for the flour part, which they all do unless they say 100% whole wheat flour. I can’t even find cereals, that I thought were good cereals, that don’t have at least one of those things in it! I still say they should say what you can eat, give specific things to buy etc.

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