Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Wuthering Heights (and lows)::

Onesome: Wuthering– What kind of word is that anyway? Do you have a word you think is just strange? “Kangaroo” comes to mind Well, there’s lots of words that I read or hear sometimes and think – how do you spell that, why is that word like that, who thought up that word. Let’s see… I’ve always liked the words oxymoron and superfluous. We had a word in trivia last week that always strikes me as odd if I hear it – sassafras. Conundrum and ostentatious are good ones also. 🙂 Then, there’s Google. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Google. But, I’ve started using it as a verb, as in “let me go Google that”, as in look it up.

Twosome: Heights– Are you afraid of them or can you dance along the rooftop coping like a character in a movie? I’m scared of heights. I’m semi-ok if I’m enclosed (plane, elevator), but if I’m out in the open with just a bridge or a rope or a hand railing, I get pretty scared. I have to grab onto something solid.

Threesome: (and lows)– What kind of insect or bug sends you low and scurrying? Do spiders do that to you? Wasps? …or do you just squish everything that “bugs” you? I don’t like spiders, but I will squish them and kill them. Same with beetles, earwigs and roaches. I don’t like snakes, lizards or frogs, but those aren’t insects or bugs. I am scared of flying, stinging things like wasps and bees. I can’t ever remember being stung, but I’m always afraid this is going to be the first time. My sister is allergic to them and I’m always afraid that I am also and I just don’t know it yet!

  1. Laura Said,

    I’ve never been stung either, and I don’t plan on it! As a child I was allergic to spiders and insects, especially mosquitoes… so I HATE bugs! 🙂

  2. Dawn Said,

    i am getting mine up on my blog today. i see you & i feel very alike on bugs & other creepy-crawlies. except you do better than i do with the spiders. *shudder*

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