Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme
Oooh, cool new design over at the Friday Feast meme site. Check it out!

Feast Ninety-Two

From which country(s) are some (or all) of your ancestors?
Hmm, not completely sure, but probably England, Ireland or Scotland

How would you describe your sneeze?
Quick and to the point, but kind of high pitched and shrill 🙂

What is the last thing you cleaned?
Washed dishes and unloaded the dishwasher this morning. Last thing I scrubbed was the sink

Main Course
Who made the strongest first impression on you?
Tim :mrgreen:

Name one thing you want to accomplish in your lifetime.
Being a great wife

  1. ribbiticus Said,

    good feast! mine’s up too! 🙂

  2. Gail Said,

    I saw the new design a few days ago, Susie is doing nice stuff!

  3. Laura Said,

    It’s funny, I remember my first impression of my husband, although it was at least a year before we officially “met”. I actually have 2 first impressions. 🙂

  4. Dawn Said,

    i do really like what they did with the Feast site!

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