Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “The Summerhouse”

The Summerhouse by Jude Devereaux I finished another library book last night, “The Summerhouse” by Jude Devereaux. It was good, not great. Definitely not the best book I have read lately! It had some “time travel” in it, so reading it on the heels of “The Time Traveler’s Wife” was probably not the best idea. Too much of that motif in one short span of time. 😀 I seem to be reading a lot of books lately about groups of women friends who get together, either for book clubs, for later-in-life reunions, etc. Perhaps I need to branch out more! I’ll try to work on a book review and post it on Hambones.org later today 🙂

For the record, that makes book #22 for the year, with a total of 8,198 pages read. Up next is book 4 in the series of 5 books in the Redemption series by Karen Kingsbury. I’m going to finish these soon, I think. After that, I will probably head back to the library for more books. Now that I have my handy dandy Palm PDA with my library list on it (tons of books that I *might* want to check out), all categorized by branch, author, who recommended it, etc. :mrgreen: Yup, I’m a book nerd AND a gadget nerd, great combination, yes?!

  1. Laura Said,

    Oh, I SO wish I had more time to read. Last night I finished The Mermaid Chair after not having a chance to read in days.

  2. Susie Said,

    I’m starting on this book tonight! I’ll let you know what I think of it. I’m corny enough to have saved it until it was officially summertime, because of its title. I’m a little obsessive like that. 😉

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