Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

New Bird Sighting

I saw a new kind of bird (to me) on my bird feeder this morning. I was walking through the den and saw him sitting on top of the bird feeder, just looking around. I walked into the office to get my camera, back into the den, and got all setup to take pictures, sure that he would fly away before I could get any. But, he was very happy hanging out on the top of my bird feeder. He must have sat there 4 or 5 minutes at least, and he let me inch towards the window and take over a dozen pictures of him.

I have been looking at several bird watching sites on the Internet, and based on this picture at birding.com and also this article at Bird Watcher’s Digest, I’m sure now that he was a rose breasted grosbeak. I’ve not ever seen this kind of bird here before, and by one of the maps that I saw at some site, he may be a little further south than normal. Or maybe he’s just making his spring migration back to where ever he should be.

He didn’t seem frightened by me and my camera at all, and I got several shots of him. Here’s a few:

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

Grosbeak at my bird feeder

And, towards the end before he flew away, he seemed to see me there and sort of started moving around as if to say …. “I see you, do you see me?!”


  1. Tim Said,

    Wow… I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these. Cool Bird!

  2. Laura Said,

    He’s so pretty!

  3. Suzanne Said,

    What a beautiful birdie !!!!

  4. Gail Said,

    He might have been on that bird chart I gave you, did you check it? I have seen that one before and am not sure if I had it on my chart or if I found what it was somewhere else.

  5. Liz Said,

    He’s so pretty! I’ve never seen one either. I need a feeder… though I suppose the dog and cat will scare off any visitors.

  6. Susie Said,

    Neato! I love birds. His expression in that last picture is hilarious.

  7. Project 365 » Day 122 Said,

    […] I saw a bird on my seed feeder this afternoon that I had not seen in a while.  When I looked it up on my regular blog from last year (where I posted, here), I was astonished to see that I photographed this type of bird last year on May 1.  I had not seen this kind of bird before, and last year, I don’t think he stayed around here for more than a couple of days.  Here he is again this year, although my pictures are not as good as the ones I took last year.  Remember, I am taking these from inside my house, and the screen on the window tends to get in the way […]

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