Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

A Monday Lizzie Quizzie

From LizzieDaisy:

1. Should I quit blogging? Sigh. No… maybe take a break, but don’t quit 🙂
2. Toilet paper… over or under? 🙂 OVER. If it’s under in my house, I will take it off and put it back on correctly – over the top, please.
3. What brand names are you completely loyal to? Tons. Some examples – Crest toothpaste, Pantene shampoo, Quilted Northern TP, Kodak digital cameras, Yoplait Yogurt, Kellogg’s cereals, Community coffee, and the list goes on and on
4. Do you like your job? What is your dream job? I am living my dream job – I’m on long term sabbatical from work. Home is my job now, yippee! :mrgreen:
5. On a scale from 1-10, how computer savvy are you? Probably an 8 or 8.5. The DH is probably a 9 or 9.5, so we’re both fairly nerdy
6. Do you make your lunch or buy it? Make it, at home every day, unless I go out to meet friends for lunch
7. What color is your front door? White. Boring. I want a hardwood front door (dark brown) or a red one 🙂
8. Jeans or kakhis? Jeans
9. What is the longest distance you have ever run? 1 mile
10. If you could buy one thing for yourself (cost is no matter), what would you buy? probably a really nice laptop

  1. Laura Said,

    I’m an “over” person, too. Actually, my husband is better about replacing the roll than I am. I have no idea why!

    I want your job. You are living the dream of doing nothing. Heheh.

  2. Liz Said,

    I need a vacation. That’d be even better than a break.

    I’m the same way about the tp. Hee. And I forgot Yoplait. ONLY Yoplait here. Yum. I use Northern and Pantene too, but will cop to the occasional buying from a competitor when they’re on sale so I didn’t add them.

    The laptop is nice. I highly reccommend waiting until Thanksgiving to buy though. Saved TONS.

  3. Gail Said,

    I swiped this one from you and did it on my blog!

  4. Dawn Said,

    i am borrowing your Lizzie quizzes! =)

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