Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Quiz: What State are you?

Well, well, well. I love these things, whether the results seem right or not! 🙂

You’re Oregon!
When people talk about peace in the valley, they often think of you.
After all, you’ve inspired countless people to traverse rough terrain in search of you
and even think about you when playing popular computer games. Are you really up to all
the hype or are you all wet? You take shelter from the storm beneath trees, felled by
either loggers or beavers. If you were a shade of pink, it would be salmon.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

  1. Suzanne Said,

    I did it and posted on my blog !!

  2. Gail Said,

    Wanna guess what mine was!

  3. Stace Said,

    Gail – any chance you might be…. hmmm…. say…. Oregon? 🙂

  4. Gail Said,

    whatever made you say that one!

  5. Kirk Said,

    I don’t so much like your quiz. They say I am he state of Greed. Why? Because I make a good living in a white collar, don’t trust the Federal Governement and am for lower taxes? It sounds like your quiz doesnt like normal people, you know like everyone we know but my mother! Whats up with that?

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