Lynne tagged me with this “meme with no name” earlier today. 🙂 Thanks Lynne!
I won’t tag anyone specifically at the end, but please feel free to snag it and play along at your blog. Be sure to leave me a note if you do, so I can come check out your answers. 
ACCENT: Um, Southern, definitely. Probably a lot heavier than I think. I’ve lived here my whole life and most everyone I know has, so I don’t think we realize how strong our accent is.
I DON’T DRINK: Alcohol
CHORE I HATE: ONLY ONE? You must be kidding! I dislike dusting. I dislike scrubbing our shower. Watering the flowers and grass come late August 🙄
PETS: Beau, the wonder dog. If you want to check him out, just skip on over to my Project365 blog, I’ve only posted a gazillion photos of him so far this year 😀
ESSENTIAL ELECTRONICS: Aren’t they all? This is a long list. My computer, my Internet connection, my digital camera, our HDTV, my iPod for starters. I wouldn’t want to live without my cell phone, but I might could for a short time. How about everything electronic in my little world?!
PERFUME: I only wear it occasionally, but I love Clinique Happy. Most days, I just squirt some Bath and Body Works Cherry Blossom spray on and go!
GOLD OR SILVER: Yikes, how about both? My wedding band is gold, my watch is a mix of gold and silver, and mostly, I wear silver hoops. I like and wear both.
INSOMNIA: Occasionally, the older I get. Since we got Beau, I rarely sleep through the night because he barks all hours of the night. If I’m getting exercise regularly, and cutting out caffeine in the afternoons and evenings, I sleep fairly well. If not, then I have a trusty little bottle of Tylenol PM in the bathroom.
JOB TITLE: Domestic Engineer
MOST ADMIRED TRAIT: I don’t think I have very many that are admirable! I like that I’m organized and a good planner, maybe that counts.
KIDS: None, sadly
PHOBIA: Snakes. Heights, if it’s open (I’m fine in planes and tall buildings, unless I’m outside on a ledge or balcony or overlook or something).
RELIGION: Southern Baptist
SIBLINGS: Two older sisters, Gail and Suzanne.
TIME I WAKE UP: whenever Beau barks to go outside. Anywhere from 5 AM to 6:30 AM. Lately, we’ve been doing our best to get up and go walking around 6:15. It’s dark then, these days!
UNUSUAL TALENT/SKILL: I have no idea!!
VEGETABLE: Love or hate? I love broccoli. I hate, detest, loathe and refuse to look at a beet.
WORST HABIT: Always apologizing and saying “I’m sorry”. Being negative and pessimistic. Worrying.
X-RAYS: Dental are the only ones I have on a regular basis.
MY FAVORITE MEAL: That would change depending on my mood. I love Chinese and Japanese. I love Italian food, fresh bread with olive oil for dipping, tiramisu for dessert at my favorite local Italian place. I love seafood – everything but oysters. I eat steak, but I don’t just LOVE it and order it or buy them to grill. I love comfort foods in the winter – soups, stews, chili. Fresh homemade bread, hot out of the oven with butter slathered all over it. Anything chocolate for dessert. Yikes. I love food, can you tell?!