Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

Last week went pretty much according to plan. I ended up shuffling a couple of meals around, but overall, I made most everything I had on my menu. Yeah! I love sticking to a plan.

I also finally got around to entering some of the new recipes we’ve been trying lately, on the recipe section of my main website. Check the post below this one to see the recipe names and links. Check ’em out 🙂

Now, for this week. Here’s the general plan… Labor Day weekend is still up in the air, so no concrete plans so far for the weekend.

Sunday – we had take-out Chinese!!!

Monday – Taco Salad

Tuesday – Grilled chicken, smashed potatoes, sugar snap peas

Wednesday – Light Night before Tim weighs in – eggs, oatmeal, toast

Thursday – Spaghetti with meatballs, french bread, salad

Friday Crockpot Sweet and Sour Pork Chops, Rice or potatoes, green beans

Sat/Sun/Monday – TBD

  1. Debi Said,

    Yum. Yum. Yum. And expect me for supper Friday night! Those pork chops sound wonderful…wish I could get Rich to eat sweet and sour stuff.

  2. Gail Said,

    I’d like to come tonight and tomorrow night! Too bad we don’t live closer.
    Chicken or beef for taco salad?

  3. Carrie Said,

    Taco Salad sounds good. I need to remember that one of these weeks.

  4. And Miles To Go.... Said,

    what a delicious week you have planned!! YUM.

  5. Sonya Said,

    Sounds yummy! I hope to get back to MPM next week! Things have been crazy around here and I haven’t made a menu in two weeks! I miss my menu plan! Thanks for sharing. I may use some of your ideas to get me through the week!

  6. Coach J Said,

    Thursday night sounds wonderful to me! Can I come over? 😉

  7. Karen Said,

    I’m so impressed at how you stick to planning your menus. Even if you have to change it during the week, at least you have a plan to work from ! I NEED to get on board with this!!

  8. sherry Said,

    Sounds good Stacy! I’m going to be using new recipes week after next when the kidlets are back in school! (Ok 2 out of 3!)



  9. Shawna Said,

    How’s Tim doing with the weight loss?

  10. paperback writer Said,

    Sunday: sausage with apples and raisins with a side dish of roasted asparagus

    Monday: shrimp fried rice with pineapples

    Tuesday: breakfast for dinner with cheese cakelets, bacon and tomato hash, and biscuits

    Wednesday: mini-tacos

    Thursday: Loki’s choice

    Friday: leftovers

    Saturday: something I picked out of Cooking Light

  11. Jill Said,

    Those pork chops sound delicious. Will definitely give them a try.

  12. theresa Said,

    Love reading your menu plans- I only hope to be someday to be so organized!

  13. mamichelle Said,

    The take-out Chinese sounds great. I haven’t had that in a long time!! And the taco salad – one of my favs but I never make it!

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