Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – Just Sleeping…

SleepingTime for a Question of the Day!

Today’s questions are an odd combination, but they all have a common theme – sleeping in your bed. 🙂 First, do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? Do you ever LOCK your bedroom door? Second, which side of the bed do you sleep on? If you spend the night at a hotel or another house, do you still sleep on that side of the bed? Do you ever switch sides for any reason? And Third – do you sleep on your back, your stomach, your side, or all of them?

Personal questions, I know. Sorry if it’s too personal. 🙂

Here’s my answers: 1) we sleep with our bedroom door open if no one else is staying at our house. If we have guests, the door obviously gets closed. We don’t normally lock our door, but I’m sure if we had kids, we might have been tempted! 2) The side of the bed thing is sort of funny. A little of my OCD tendencies coming out. I normally sleep on the left side of the bed. Always. We never switch at home (I flip the mattress regularly instead). But, sometimes in a hotel or at someone else’s house, I end up on the right. That has more to do with having a bedside table, with a lamp, and a place to put my alarm clock. I’m the “keeper” of the alarm clock. It never goes on Tim’s side, and he won’t fool with it. So if the only choice is the right side, I’ll have to sleep on that side because of the lamp/clock issue. Normally, I like to sleep on the left. 3) Lastly, I sleep either on my back or side. I can’t sleep on my stomach. It’s not something I can do at all. I really prefer to sleep in a sort of a modified fetal position, on my side with my knees pulled up some. 🙂

How about you? If you want to share your “sleeping habits” with me and the rest of the blogosphere, leave me a message and let me know! 😀

  1. Rach Said,

    My husband and I always sleep with the door closed and locked. Before I often slept on my tummy. now I sleep on my side.

  2. Debi Said,

    We sleep with the door open (easier to hear the munchkins). Yes, there are times when we lock the door, but I’m sure we don’t need to go into that. I always sleep on the left side of the bed at home, but elsewhere I sleep on the side that is closer and more accessible to the munchkins. Before pregnancy, I always slept on my stomach…but as that turns out to not be an option, I learned to sleep on my side. And have ever since. With one leg straight, and one knee pulled up some.

  3. Deena @ My Bookshelf Said,

    We sleep with the door closed, but not locked…usually:-)

    Hey, swing by My Bookshelf…and stop at http://deenasbooks.blogspot.com/2007/08/this-weeks-winners-are.html

  4. sandra Said,

    We sleep with our door wide open so we can hear the little ones across the hall. As for which side, I always sleep on the left side of the bed even when we’re at someone’s house or in a hotel LOL

    I have this thing though, when I sleep I mainly do it on my left side too but I always need a pillow between my legs. It’s a habit I picked up when I was pregnant and have never been able to break.

  5. paperback writer Said,

    The door is closed. We don’t want cats sleeping on our faces. Besides, they’re so picky!

    I sleep on the right hand hand side. Oh, yes. I always sleep on the right hand side!

    I fall asleep on my side and wake up on my back.

  6. Becca Said,

    The door is open except for when we have company, since we have no children living with us, I am on the right hand side, In a hotel, I sleep away from the door to the room, in Hawaii, I am always by the lanai (patio) door, so I can be lulled to sleep by the ocean. At home we never switch sides, I sleep on both my sides and my tummy but never my back.

    I really, really want a Sleep Number bed!

  7. amy Said,

    Now that BIL leaves 2 doors down, I sleep with door shut. Start out by sleeping on my side but end up on tummy..Unless I am just plain exhausted and then i can sleep any which way

  8. Carrie Said,

    We sleep with the door cracked and only shut and lock it when …. you know, LOL … but we open it before we fall asleep, LOL. Hey! You asked!

    I sleep on the right side of the bed now. I slept on the left side to be closer to the bathroom when preggy. No, I don’t normally switch sides at a hotel or for any other reason.

    I sleep on my tummy with one leg pulled up. I hated sleeping on my back when preggy! It about killed me, LOL.

  9. Southern Girl Said,

    It is a rare, rare occasion that I close my bedroom door at night. Usually only if we have overnight guests, and even I probably won’t because they’re likely to be family or close friends. I would *never* lock my door at night. Besides, Pumpkin’s food, water, and litter box are all in my room or the connecting bathroom and if I shut my door, she wouldn’t be able to get in, and if I shut her up with me, I wouldn’t be able to get any sleep. *g*

    I generally sleep in the middle of the bed, maybe slightly toward the right side, if you’re standing at the foot looking toward the head.

    I sleep most of the time on my left side. Sometimes I start out on my stomach, until I start to get drowsy and then I flip over to my left side. I *never* sleep on my back or my right side. Not my back because it’s harder for me to breathe, and not my right side because I just can’t…something about my scoliosis, the direction my back is curved, I guess. It’s kinda weird. 😉

  10. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    My answers are very similar to yours. We sleep with the door open unless we have company. We do not lock it to sleep, but we sometimes lock it for other reasons. 🙂 I always sleep on the right side (when you are facing the bed). However, in a hotel, I can’t sleep up against the wall (I am claustrophobic), so I will sleep on the left in a hotel to get away from the wall. Fun questions!

  11. Lynne Said,

    We usually close the door but leave it open just a crack so that Teddy can go out at night and get a drink. I always sleep on the right side of the bed, if you are standing at the foot of the bed looking toward the head. I always sleep on my left side, knees bent and my left arm under my pillow. Teddy is usually on the bed between us or at our feet, so I have to work around him. We got a new foam bed a few months ago – Dom loves it, I hate it, Teddy is happy. I still get backaches. In hotels I still sleep on the right side.

  12. Coach J Said,

    Hey! Congrats on winning over at Deeana’s Bookshelf!! 🙂 You and I are twinkies this week!!
    I sleep on the left side, if you’re facing the bed, and I sleep in that modified fetal position, too. Before kids, I’d sleep on my stomach, but something about that “ball” in your belly doesn’t work, and then a c-section is a hard thing to sleep on, too; and by the time I could go back to my stomach, I’m sleeping the other way.
    We locked our door one time {{wink, wink}} and our daughter!!! unlocked it on us!!! So, I guess it doesn’t matter what we do. We must be destined to be caught. 🙂 How’s that for personal?

  13. Laura Said,

    Door open, never locked. (I don’t even know if it has a lock?) At home my side is the right (if facing the headboard), at hotels I’m usually closest to the bathroom. Ha. And my favorite ways to sleep are tummy and back, neither of which I can do right now.

  14. Melody Said,

    We always sleep with the door close (without locking); and I sleep on the right side of the bed. Like you, I’m a “keeper” of the alarm clock, as I don’t trust the hubs of waking me up, LOL. And I sleep on my back or side, and I can’t sleep with my stomach either, too uncomfy!

  15. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    The door open unless we have company…Vader feels the need to roam in the middle of the night. I like the right side of the bed when Jeff is home…when he’s not I usually sleep across the bed so I take the whole thing up! 🙂 I sleep however I can. I have nightmares when I roll on my back though (really bad sunburn when I was little) so I try to stay off my back. Jeff will even roll me if he catches me on my back when he comes to bed.

  16. Cam Said,

    Door open, so we can hear & have access to G’s room easily. I sleep on the right at home, and when we’re away from home I sleep on whatever side is furthest from the door (I’m chicken and like for Philip to be the nearest to the door in case of…something scary, of course!). I typically sleep equally all ways: back, stomach, each side. But when pregnant, I can’t sleep flat on my back and I can’t sleep on my stomach anymore either. So that leaves either side, or on my back but elevated at least 30 degrees to keep optimal blood flow to placenta. 🙂 I miss sleeping on my stomach the most, and wouldn’t you know that even once the baby comes, I still can’t do stomach sleeping because of breastfeeding (this isn’t a rule as much as for me it was just terribly uncomfortable to do so!).

  17. theresa Said,

    I liked that you “may” be temepted to lock the door if you had kids LOL-I am a fetal sleeper too

  18. Claire Said,

    I sleep with my door closed but not locked. As to the side of the bed, I used to only sleep on the right but I’ve been moving back and forth recently, and now tend to be more in the center, to keep my matress from forming to my boy too much! I think if I chose, I’d pick right. I MUST start on my left side…I can’t fall asleep otherwise. However, I tend to wake up either on my right side or stomach. If I get up in the middle of the night and come back to bed, I usually flop on my stomach and fall asleep.

  19. Kim Said,

    This is an easy one!

    We sleep with our door partially open–due to having had little kids at one time and now having cats who like to come in and out during the night.

    Do we lock? You bet!! But not for the whole night. 😉

    I ALWAYS sleep on the right side of the bed. After 25 years I can’t even think about sleeping on the left side.

    I prefer sleeping on my sides, curled up and burrowed under the duvet. Absolutely NO stomach sleeping–just doesn’t happen.


  20. Kara Said,

    What a timely question as lately my sleeping position and location has been altered by a 5 1/2 year old! I am also the keeper of the alarm and sleep on whatever side that happens to be on if we’re not home.

  21. Lynne Said,

    I just tagged you for a fun meme!

  22. Karen (mommy of three) Said,

    We sleep with the door open to hear the kids. I must always sleep on the left. Always. No matter what:-) I sleep in every position possible, and I LOVE to sleep:-)

  23. Dawn Said,

    Door open (unless I have company). Where ever I feel like. Ususally the middle. And most often sleep on my side, sometimes my back. Not usually my stomach.

  24. Dianne Said,

    Our door is always open. We never close or lock it. Well, except when Mike’s exceedingly mad at the dog and kicks him out for the night because he was snoring, licking or moaning! The dog, not Mike!

    I sleep on the left side of the bed and really don’t sleep well if I can’t sleep there. And I sleep like a piece of meat on a rotisserie – turn, turn, turn – side, stomach, back – always right to left, never left to right – how’s that for weird!

  25. Michael - Lover of Amy Said,

    1. Usually open. The door does not latch into the frame right to close it securely, and we tried using a decorative stone of some sort to hold it shut and my brother’s kitten was STILL able to push it open!
    2. We can’t lock it.
    3. I sleep on the left if you are at the foot looking at the head. It is the side furthest from the bathroom, and the alarm clock is on my side.
    4. Yeah, we mix it up a bunch, usually at Amy’s parent’s or my mom’s house. As for our last vacation in a hotel, we stayed with the home set.
    5. Definitely all of them, but mostly on my side, with an arm wrapped up under and around the pillows.

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