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Posted by Stace

Library Sale

Very few things can make me want to jump out of bed early on a Saturday morning. A sale at my local library is one of them though! 😀

The library system in my county has 4 or 5 branches, but two of them are close to my house (a couple miles in either direction). They each have 2 book sales a year, so I end up being able to go 4 times a year. I went in February and again in May, and now this morning. I love going to the book sales, it’s always a blast to me to search through the books and see what I can find. You can’t beat the prices in my book, plus it benefits the library that I patronize on a regular basis. Today, the place was packed – more so than I have ever seen it before. I got the last parking spot in the parking lot, and everyone else was parking off in the grass or on the edge of the street. When I tried to go in the room, it was so packed I could not maneuver around. Unfortunately, the sections I wanted to get to were in the back, so by the time I could push my way over there, a lot of books I would have gotten were gone. How do I know this, you ask? Because I saw TONS of books I would have liked to have gotten in other people’s hands, and bags and boxes. Argh. Oh well, I had a good time and got 10 books for $7.00. You can’t beat that!

Here’s my haul for the day:
Book Sale stack o' books

  1. Project 365 » Day 237 Said,

    […] I got up early this morning to go to a book sale at my local library. I posted a little more about it at my regular blog, here.  Here’s my haul for today: […]

  2. Gail Said,

    How FUN! I wish I could have gone, don’t think my library has these sales or if they do they’re very few and far between. What did you see that you didn’t get your hands on? Because don’t you know I like to know what we missed! And you didn’t call me this time from the sale for anything I might want so I guess you didn’t see anything for me! 🙁

  3. Southern Girl Said,

    Great haul! I think that Tess Gerritsen book is the only one of that stack I’ve read. I like her stuff usually.

    Happy reading! : )

  4. Susanne Said,

    Fun time! Our library has a book sale once a year. I’ve gone a couple time but seems to me they were a tad bit more expensive than what you got your stack for!

  5. Mandalyn Said,

    Good for you! Those ought to keep you supplied for a little while at least!:)

  6. sherry Said,

    Woohoo! Yay! I LOVE library sales! We have a great one twice a year! The next one is October and I can’t wait!

    Let me know what you think of “The Other Boleyn Girl” — I’ve heard mixed reviews. It seems that I’ve enjoyed the same books you have — so if you like it, I’ll add it to my list!


  7. Karen Said,

    I love library sales too! I’m interested to see what you think of The Other Boleyn Girl, too. I’ve picked it up a few times, but haven’t purchased it.

  8. Jill Said,

    How cool. I need to remember to see if our local libraries do this.

  9. Heidi Said,

    That’s great! I love library sales too.

  10. Lynne Said,

    Looks like a good haul. The only ones I’ve read are THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL – really liked that one – and BODY DOUBLE – really, really good.

  11. Desert Songbird Said,

    I haven’t been to a big sale in a while, but my local library sells books all year long and holds one huge sale a year, usually in the late winter/early spring.

  12. twiga92 Said,

    Great haul! Library sales rock!

  13. Dianne Said,

    You did well! I need to hit a few around here. Would be interested to hear how you like The Other Boleyn Girl.

  14. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    Wonderful! I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about that bottom book. It’s one of the ones I really want to read after my huge list…

  15. amy Said,

    I want to hang out with you. How fun!!!! I bought 5 Debbie Macomber books for 50 cents each at a garage sale Friday..Woohoo

  16. Eden Said,

    THose look like great books!!! I tagged you for a meme. Come by and checkout mine.

  17. Sonya Said,

    Great deals! I love book sales but it really bugs me when they are really crowded! I find alot of good books at Goodwill for .50 and $1. I hope you had fun looking!

  18. Kim Said,

    Oh- La- La! I would get out of bed early for a book sale too! You ended up with a nice pile for a great price. Our library does this too, but I always seem to miss it. Are you a member of Paper Back Swap? If not you should be!! 🙂 Only if you can bear to part with books though, when you are done with them. A lot of the ones I read I can–but there are those by my favorite authors that don’t leave my house. Make sure you review these for us, okay?
    Happy Reading–

  19. Debi Said,

    Nice haul, Stacy! I love both Lisa Gardener and Tess Gerritson. At our library, if you’re members of the Friends of the Library (which only costs $5 a year and, of course, benefits the library), you get to shop a day early (before it’s open to the general public) at the library sales…definitely a nice little benefit!

  20. Coach J Said,

    That’s one successful shopping trip. Enjoy them!

  21. Shawna Said,

    So fun! I think my library may do that, but I’ve never been.

  22. Sparky Duck Said,

    yep, you still did well, even over here

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