I’ve been tagged recently by several bloggers for different memes, tags and such. I’m sorry to be so late posting these, but I have been in a bit of a blogging slump lately, as well as a non-tagging mood. I’ll try to get out of that here
The first was by mamichelle and KathyM, who both tagged me with this one:
If you had the opportunity to do a 1-year internship in a company or field completely unrelated to your current career or specialty, what would be your top 5 choices?
Well, I must admit, I think I have the dream job right now – no stressful job to slave away at all day, every day any more. Thanks to my hardworking husband, he provides for us and I’m allowed to stay home, relax, stay healthy, take care of us and the house, do the things I love and need to do, and spend my “spare” time with him. It’s not for the career-minded, driven, Type-A, people, but I love it. I call it early retirement Thus, this “coming up with a job choice” is a difficult concept for me!
If I had to go back to work, I would like to think I’d try the following:
1. Paralegal (I like research)
2. Librarian (duh, I love books!)
3. Scenic photographer (I love to take photos of neat buildings, churches, cemeteries, flowers, trees, etc)
4. Food Taste Tester (duh!)
5. Book Editor/Reviewer (not that I can write good reviews, but I’d love to be able to have a legitimate excuse to read new books!)
I was also tagged by Amy, over at Laughing Through the Tears, for an eight random things about me tag. I’m going to wimp out on this one and refer you to a post I made a while back, about 9 weird things about me. Believe me, I could probably come up with a lot more of these. I’m really rather an odd person – just ask anyone who knows me (Gail and my husband would be MORE THAN HAPPY to tell you about all of the odd things I do, eat, watch, think and feel!)
I won’t tag anyone specifically for either of these, but if you’d like to play along, please do so! Just leave me a comment to let me know, so I can come visit and check out your answers.