Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

The One About Toilet Paper

Toilet Paper!If you know me in real life, you know I’m a hoarder. I hoard certain kinds of things, like toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste, cereal, etc. I buy these things in bulk at a warehouse club (we only have Sam’s here) and I always have plenty on hand. The way I’ve always looked at it, I see no reason to ever run out of toilet paper. There’s lots of other things that I don’t want or need to run out of, but in my mind, toilet paper is right up there at the top. So, I buy the huge bags that have like 36 rolls in them. Then, when we get low a few months later, and by low, I mean down to 6 or 8 rolls, I go back and buy more. Toilet paper is not something I ever intend to run out of.

I think a lot of this stems back to my post-college days. I had a suite-mate in college (a wonderful girl who shall remain nameless) who was not the most organized of girls, nor was she the most prepared. When we all graduated and moved into our first apartment, she and I both lived alone, but lived in apartment complexes across the street from each other. I had a hard time going to her apartment – there would be cereal bowls by the bathtub, with the spoon stuck to the bottom in a puddle of dried up milk. The rest of the apartment was a mess, too, with clothes (dirty and clean) lying around everywhere; the kitchen was a nightmare of leftover food stuck onto plates and bowls, pots and pans and glasses absolutely everywhere. Among other things, she was always running out of something. I used to make late-night runs with her a lot, until “the toilet paper incident”. After that, I told her I wouldn’t go anymore 🙁

She called me one night at about 12:30 AM (I had gone to bed at about 10:30 PM because I had to get up and go to work the next morning) and said she was out of toilet paper, and would I please run to the grocery store or convenience store with her. So, I drag myself up, get dressed, drive over to get her, have to wait on her to finish getting ready, then take her to buy toilet paper. I was not a happy camper the next day (I’ve always, always been irritable if I don’t get enough sleep!), and I told her to just buy more toilet paper next time!

So, the moral of the story is that I never run out of toilet paper. These days, I buy those big bags of Quilted Northern toilet paper at Sam’s Club and we always have plenty. How about you – do you stock up on toilet paper and similar items, or are you perpetually running out and having to go back to the store to get more? And if you really want to share, tell me what brand of toilet paper you use in your house! That’s today’s Question of the Day!

  1. Bev Said,

    I’m like you in this respect. Our hall closet is full of those big bags of toilet paper (Charmin Basic), paper towels (Bounty or Viva), and light bulbs (3-way, 60 watt, and small ones for the appliances). Personal items like toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc. there is always one new package in the closet as well. As soon as it gets opened another one is purchased so that there is always a new one in there. I also keep new bags of flour, rice, various beans, and sugar on hand. If there is a sale on some items (dog and cat food, canned goods, and such) I stock up on those as well. It sure saves time and, in the long run, money. 😉

  2. Carrie Said,

    Okay, Stacy! I’m sitting here literally laughing my butt off! Late last night, I had that awful light bulb moment, *OH MAN! I FORGOT TO GRAB THE TOILET PAPER WHEN AT PIGGLY WIGGLY TODAY!* I wrote this huge note that’s sitting *right here* that says *Toilet Paper*! All the bathrooms have a partial roll and that’s it! So, today my errand is to go get toilet paper. I even had a reminder email from David this morning, LOL!!

    I usually buy Charmin with Aloe! :o)

  3. twiga92 Said,

    We use Quilted Northern also. I’m picky on my toilet paper brand.

  4. Heidi Said,

    Great post, Stace!

    I am prepared for a different reason. Economy. If you shop for deals and stock up when things are on sale, you save. If you are always running out of stuff, you are forced to buy at full price.

    So I stock up on all toiletries: shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste…etc.

  5. Dawn Said,

    The cereal bowl by the bathtub? That so could have been my old roommate. ::shudder::

    I always have one unopened package in the cabinet. When I open it, I buy a new one. It’s a six-pack of the double rolls. Quilted Northern. I don’t feel the need to stock up more than that though. I am only one girl. It takes me a long time just to go through six rolls. LOL

  6. mamichelle Said,

    Bleck! That is disgusting, Stacy! How can people live that way?!

    I used to buy the 36 rolls of Charmin at Sam’s but I don’t belong to a Warehouse Club any more. I will NEVER run out of toilet paper though. I’m a nut about that, kleenex, paper towels, toothpaste, shampoo, ,mascara……OK, I’m a nut about running out of anything!! LOL

    But it’s Charmin for me all the way, baby!! 🙂

  7. Karen @ Mommy of Three Said,

    I too like to stock up on the basics. We use Charmin Ultra Double Rolls, so I have to change it less often.

    I belong to Sam’s Club and sometimes buy it there, but lately the local grocery has been running the 12 packs on sale, and I have had coupons that they double, so I have been buying it there and getting as many packs as I have coupons for during the sales:-)

  8. Sparky Duck Said,

    we stock up on TP from Target, so its one of those 12 packs or so. I can’t think of anything else I really hoard or gather, because I just dont like storing things in a house that has little storage space. Im not a TP snob, but never ever will I use Scotties. Im sensitive.

  9. Judi Said,

    Oh my… I always keep a supply of TP. I am like you in that regard. There are some things you just should not run out of. I use Quilted Northern Ultra. Double rolls please.

  10. Lynne Said,

    I tend to panic when I’m down to single digit amounts of paper towels and/or toilet paper. I have a linen closet stocked with toilet paper right now and about 8 rolls of paper towels (Brawny for me). I have about 8 other rolls of Brawny in my pantry – so I’m getting close to panic time. I get the stuff whenever and wherever it’s on sale. My pantry is also filled – I refill whenever I get down to about 2 of something. And you saw my freezer!

  11. Susie Said,

    I’m not really a hoarder, but I do make sure we have things like toilet paper, paper towels, soap, and toothpaste. Whenever we get anywhere near low on anything essential like those things, I make sure to write it down on my grocery list. My favorite toilet paper is Angel Soft. It’s cheap and it doesn’t, well, let’s just say it doesn’t give us any trouble! 😉

    I usually buy Brawny because I love a commercial they played a couple of years ago (the guy with the birthday cake and the puppy, if you remember him!)

  12. Gail Said,

    I try to make sure we don’t run out! I buy it in big packages of like 24 rolls, either Northern or maybe Angel Soft but in a house with 3 1/2 bathrooms it tends to run out quickly! So maybe I should check Sam’s sometime when I’m with you and see if that’s a better buy.

  13. Kara Said,

    I never run out, but I often do have to snag the roll from the extra bathroom downstairs before I realize I need to head to the store to stock up!

  14. Sonya Said,

    I never run out of TP either! I’d die if I did! I buy 24 packs and I always buy more when I’m down to about 6 rolls!

  15. Southern Girl Said,

    We buy big packs (though not quite as big as you do *g*) of toilet paper and paper towels at Sam’s, too. I can’t remember the last time we got dangerously low on toilet paper. We usually get Scot toilet paper…the plain, no frills or quilting stuff. 😉 I think half the reason my little brother moved out and got married was so that he could have soft, quilted toilet paper to pamper his butt. 😉

  16. Melody Said,

    I always stock up the necessities, Stacy. I feel it’s too troublesome to go to the grocery just to buy a certain stuff. Maybe some stuff can wait…but not critical items like toilet papers and milk formula…! LOL.

  17. Cam Said,

    I’m same as you; I buy the huge packs and buy more whenever I see the package getting low.
    I must have Angel Soft! And I really prefer double rolls, and I buy packages of as many double rolls as I can get (lately I think it’s up to an 18-pack).

    Paper towels are the same way. They must be Sparkle brand.

  18. Claire Said,

    I buy the 12 pack and prefer Cotonelle or something like that BUT my roommate uses a LOT of toilet paper (I’m talking, we went through ONE roll A DAY) so I’ve been getting Scott. That lasts a lot longer. My mom’s best friend bought me some “emergency” TP b/c one night I got back from somewhere and we had NO TP and I had to go to Kroger (on I55 mind you) at 9:30. My mom was NOT happy. I just don’t understand how someone (I guess two people) can go through an entire roll of TP in a day…baffles me.

  19. annie Said,

    I don’t run out either… I buy the big packs of double rolls, I hate the little skimpy rolls. I either buy quilted northern or angel soft. It all goes fast around here with four kids and tons of their friends in and out all day long. If you read my post you know I am a ocd germ freak… if their little friends use the b-room I am in there right away with my bleach and lysol. They might have germs for goodness sakes. 🙂

  20. booklogged Said,

    I always keep plenty of Quilted Northern on hand. Actually, I have a pantry that I keep extras on the items we use, like Cream of Mushroom soup, tuna fish, etc.

  21. Karen Said,

    I never run out of TP (Northern BIG rolls, my brand). I feel nervous when we have less than a dozen rolls. I’ve been known to run out of papertowels, but not often. I have a pantry downstairs for the stuff I buy in bulk from Costco — canned veggies, mac and cheese, canned goods for making my own spaghetti sauce. I also ALWAYS have cake mixes and canned frosting on hand — I guess from the old Room Mom days, and you just never know when someone wants to make cupcakes.

  22. kathy m Said,

    What’s the one with the cute puppy on it? I think it’s Cottenelle. I just started buying it because it has those box tops for eduction points on it that i collect for the kids school.

  23. Jennifer Said,

    We buy the 24-packs of Angel Soft, and I buy about one of those a week, because I WILL NOT run out of TP…and with five females in our house we really go through the stuff!!

  24. Michael-Lover of Amy Said,

    The two most common items we buy at Sam’s are Quilted Northern and Sweet and Low. A close second or third has become the Black Rock Canyon canned chili. Good Stuff.

  25. rach Said,

    I would love to buy things in bulk but I don’t have enough space for all those extra stuff so I often buy things on a monthly basis. I hate the idea of running out of toilet paper so I buy those large packs too. I’m not too particular with the brand but make sure it’s 2-ply.

  26. trista Said,

    Great post Stacy. We are nuts about Sam’s, and tend to stock up on tons of things. Quilted Northern being one of them, and these days Huggies diapers, and Huggies wipes in bulk, all from Sam’s.

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