Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – The Library

BooksIf you’ve visited here much, you probably know by now that I love books, I love to read, and I LOVE my library! I ran to the library late Tuesday afternoon, right before they closed early for the July 4th holiday. They had a book I had put on reserve in, and of course, I had to do some browsing. I left with 3 other books and 2 movies. We had a gap in the week with Netflix, so I picked up a couple of free DVD’s to tide us over. And of course, I could have easily left with 8 or 10 books, but I try to limit myself to 3 or 4, something manageable.

I listed the books I got on my sidebar, but I’ll put them here too. I also picked up two DVD’s – “The Departed” for Tim to watch (which he did, and he liked), and “Last Holiday” for me to watch again. I saw that one at the theater and really liked it. Anyway, the books I got are:

1. Fame – by Karen Kingsbury (first in a series of 5 called the Firstborn series)
2. Blue Shoes and Happiness – by Alexander McCall Smith (book 7 in the No. 1 Ladies Detective Series; I’m trying to get current with this series and I’m close!)
3. The Tea House on Mulberry Street – by Sharon Owens (new author for me; saw this mentioned on someone’s blog, but I can’t for the life of me remember who!)
4. Mixed Signals – by Liz Curtis Higgs (I recently read Thorn in My Heart by her and really liked her; this is more modern day fiction from her)

OK, time for a Question of the Day: Do you have a library card? Do you use it? How often do you go, or when was the last time you visited your local library? About how many books a year do you get from the library? Does your spouse or kids go, do they have cards? Do your kids do the summer reading program? Or do you just prefer to buy your books and not mess with the library?

Leave me a comment and let me know!

  1. Dianne Said,

    For some reason, I haven’t been to the library in a while. Maybe because it’s summer. I need to though. I’ve been borrowing a lot of books.

    We just watched The Greatest Game Ever Played – golf story. If you & Tim ahven’t seen it, I’m sure you’d enjoy it. Then again, there’s always the happy chance I got the recommendation from your blog – LOL! Take care 🙂

  2. Shayna Said,

    I have a library card! Have always had one it seems. I remember walking with my mom and sister to the library when we were little and I would get armloads to read and then go back and do it all over again. We have recently started letting the boys pick out a book a piece. They are beginning to love it too! I just finished an Ashley Stockingdale book, it was good and I would like to go back and read the others in the series. Last time I went was Tuesday. I try and go every couple of weeks. Hubby comes with, he gets Military books. On my card.

  3. BeckyKay76 Said,

    I never go to the library, although I do have a card to the library across the street from where I work. I always buy my books. The library expects you to bring them back!?! I don’t want to just read the book, I want to OWN the book! LOL!

  4. Gail Said,

    I have a library card and go fairly often!
    But whoa, that’s more than one question of the day! My mind is reeling and I don’t think I can answer them all! 🙂

  5. JennaG Said,

    I have a public library card and a 1st Baptist Church library card–and so do all three of my kids. We haven’t been in a very long time because I bought so many fun books for school last year–and I have bought so many. I am planning to go soon, though, because hubby and I are on a spending fast and I am on my last book.!!

  6. Karen Said,

    I’ve had a library card for as long as I can remember. When we were kids, we spent a lot of time in the library during the summer. We’d ride our bikes there and I can still remember how cool and refreshing it was to finally arrive and then spend time sitting on the floor, reading books.

    My kids all have library cards. My oldest son is on the Teen Advisory Board at the library, and spends more time there than anyone in the family! I run a close second. Our library has an Ault Summer Reading Program, with prizes and everything! It brings out the kids in me:) Sometimes, during the school year, I treat myself to a couple hours at the library, just reading or writing. It is so quiet there during the day, when all the kids are in school. I’m amazed though at how many people will go there just to read or do paperwork.

    Sorry for such a long comment — you obviously hit on something close to my heart!

  7. shellsq Said,

    I hate to say this to you, Stacy….I don’t own one. I used to when the kids were little but not any more. I have such a big stash of books to read and I’m so slow these days that I haven’t needed a library. I also have a stash at work that we all share.

  8. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    The kids and I go to the library at least once a week (usually twice). We probably have almost 50 books checked out right now! We also do story time and the summer reading program. WE LOVE THE LIBRARY!

  9. Carrie Said,

    Yes, I have a card, as well as both girls. We usually go to the library about once a week. Haven’t been in about a month, though, since Levi’s been here and was on his way. Sadie is the biggest reader in the house. She’ll check out 20 books and read them in a matter of a few days, :o)

  10. Lisa Said,

    Hi! I just found your blog and saw your post about the books you picked up from the library. My husband bought me “Blue Shoes and Happiness” as a gift. Can I read this book alone or do I need to read the prior books in the series? I’ve got a huge amount of books to catch up on. I need to start using the library more. By the way – I just finished a very good book called “Same Kind Of Different As Me”. I highly recommend it to anyone.


  11. Cam Said,

    Yep I have a card, and I like to go about every 3 weeks, which is how long the check-out period is. So I try to go and stock up on all the homeschooling books we’ll need for the next 3 weeks, and get one or two for myself as well. 🙂 G usually goes with me, and he knows that whispering is required…it’s so cute. He doesn’t have a card.
    Yay for some new library books!

  12. Judi Said,

    Me and Miss O both have cards. We go together. She will sit and read lots of books right off the shelf while I look. Most of the time I buy my books but if there is a new author I am not sure I will like I will try to check it out before shelling out the money! Miss O loves to go.

  13. twiga92 Said,

    OOH! Mixed Signals is one of my favorites by Liz Curtis Higgs. I’ll be interested to see what you think of it. I loved, loved, loved it!
    Have you read the Redemption series by Kingsbury? It’s better to read those before reading the Firstborn series. I have Fame in my TBR pile. And, I do have a library card but I don’t use it very often. I don’t like the deadline hanging over me for returning the book, even though I’m a fast reader.

  14. Lynne Said,

    I use the library some. There are some books that I know I have to buy. But there are others by authors that I know that I’m not sure if I really want to spend the money on, so I’ll get those at the library. Right now, I have a list of about 8 books that I want. When I’m ready for them, I can reserve them online. No one else in this family uses the library – of course, no one else in this family ever reads a book!

  15. annie Said,

    Yep, we all have library cards and love the library. I use the online service to reserve books I want to read and then pick them up when I am emailed that they are ready. The kids do that too mostly. We have done the Summer reading programs in past years, and loved it… but, not this year. It’s been too busy to get there regularly. Bailey loves to go to the library to read and draw. Our library was rebuilt and it is really cool, so a lot of his friends go there too.
    Good question.

  16. Stacy Said,

    Wow. I love the library! I just got my card renewed and I love to go and look around. I’m trying to get better about checking books out there and not spending so much money but it’s hard sometimes. Jeff doesn’t have a card, but he doesn’t read that much, so I just go check out whatever he needs/wants.

  17. Jiil@Who Could Ask for Anything More Said,

    I do have a library card and, up until I had my son 18 months ago, I was an avid user. One of my fondest childhood memories is going to the library every Saturday and checking out enough books to get me through the week. Now, I buy books more than go to the library because it’s hard for me to finish in the alloted time and those overdue fine were killing me! When my son gets older I plan to introduce him to the library and take part in their reading programs, story hour, etc. My husband is just the opposite of me. I’ve not known him to use the library at all.

  18. Susanne Said,

    I’ve had a library card since I was a kid. I love the library. Can spend hours in there. I have a very hard time limiting myself to 2 or 3 books. I can get very carried away. I haven’t been in a few months because I’m trying to finish all the books I’ve boughten over the last little while.

  19. Sindee Said,

    I love the library, can get lost in books for hours. Karen Kingsbury is one of my favorite authors.
    Have a good weekend! ((Hugs))

  20. Wendy in MD Said,

    My kids and I have library cards. We go every so often. I do a lot online (place holds, renew books, etc.). The thing that scares us off is the fines! LOL (We’ve been overdue a time or two.) :o)

    We’ve each probably borrowed about 10 books so far this year. We love book stores, though, and we’ve bought quite a few books, too.

  21. Teena in Toronto Said,

    I’m a huge fan of the library. I love it when the phone rings and I hear … “Hello! This is the Toronto Library and there are one or more items on hold for the customer with the intials T-?-?!”

  22. Coach J Said,

    I have a public library card, and a Baptist Church library card. When homeschool pe is in session, we go to the church library every week. I’ve been to the public library, but they don’t seem to have books by the authors I’m looking for. I keep trying! My son and I love to read; my daughter reads the first 2 or 3 pages of all her books! 🙂

  23. Jennifer Said,

    I have a library card, but I abuse it. I don’t read as much as I used to, since I now have Internet, and it’s up-to-the minute news, which is my preferred reading material. I check books out for years and forget to return them. I used to work at the library when I was in high school so they’re incredibly tolerant of me. They have Fine-free days on Tuesdays, but for the life of me I can’t remember to return a book on those days :)!

  24. Heidi Said,

    I have a library card, but I can’t use it because I owe a big fine and am too embarrassed to go pay it!!!

    Thanks for th well wishes!

  25. Shawna Said,

    I started going back to the library this past year. I love to take Scamp. I like to think of it as a mini field trip. I got a library card as an adult a few years ago but haven’t used it until this year when I decided to pick reading back up. I used it for the second time last week. I got “The Stolen Child” by Keith Donohue. It’s his first book and is a fantasy. I don’t recommend it. It seemed to be pretty tame since it starts about children, but ended up having a few dirty things I didn’t care for, so it’s the first book this year that I’ve decided not to read all the way through. I checked out “Peace Like a River” by Leif Enger. I’ve heard good reviews on it, and it’s Christian fiction.

    Back to your questions now:) Beef doesn’t have a library card, and Scamp doesn’t because she’s too small. We go about once a month now, but I plan to start checking more books out. And we will probably do the summer reading things as Scamp gets bigger.

  26. Kim Said,

    I just found you and thought i would answer your question on my blog! I read Tea House on Mulberry Street before and liked it. It is fun to see books I have read show up on other’s lists! Happy Reading–

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