Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – Broken Bones

BonesI know, I know, that’s a picture of a dog bone over there. But I already had that one and couldn’t find a cute picture of a human bone. I found some icky ones, but nothing cute, LOL!

Today’s “Question of the Day” is short and sweet – have you ever broken a bone?

My answer: I have never broken a bone, thankfully. I hope it stays that way. I am not really an adventurous sort, but I am klutzy. I have been very lucky to have not broken anything yet. My husband, on the other hand, is really, really lucky that he has never broken a bone. I’ve heard stories all of our married life of his exploits and escapades as a child, preteen, teenager and young man. I’m constantly amazed he never ended up in the hospital with a concussion or broken bone, or worse! It’s a miracle he survived his rough and rowdy upbringing. He grew up riding 4 wheelers and dirt bikes, out in the country, hunting and fishing and doing heaven only knows what else. He’s so lucky never to have broken anything.

So, how about you? Have you ever had a broken bone? If so, what got broken and how did it happen? Leave me a comment here, or if you’ve got a great story to tell, write about it at your own blog (but leave me a comment so I can come over and read it!). :mrgreen:

Have a great day! 😀

  1. Carrie Said,

    No broken bones here, either. I like it that way, LOL!!!

  2. Shayna Said,

    Well, I wish I could say I was part of the whole bones club, but growing up I was a tomboy and broke my arm several times, as well as fingers! The first time I was maybe 8? And I had the brilliant idea to build a small ramp in the backyard that went to the patio (concrete patio) and then I jumped it on ROLLER SKATES! Needless to say, when I landed, I bent my wrist backwards and crushed the bones together. Lots of fun. My mom was inside vacuuming and I was outside screaming. She didn’t hear me, she just decided to shut off the vacuum and check on me. Good thing she did!

  3. Kara Said,

    I broke my upper arm right before I turned 3 – I was pretending to be Wonder Woman and leaped from the couch straight into the coffee table. I did get some slings in fashionable kid fabrics, though!

  4. Dianne Said,

    Nope, that’s another club I don’t belong to – broken bones. Never been in the hospital either (knock on wood!) Amazing your husband has never broken anything – he sounds pretty active!!

  5. Coach J Said,

    Thank the Lord, I don’t belong to that club either!! And I want to end my life never having joined!

  6. Lynne Said,

    I had a broken bone in my foot when my older daughter Susan stomped on it, probably in a fit of anger. I broke my ankle a few years ago when I got up from a chair. My foot had fallen asleep and I tried to stand on it and fell face down on the floor, with my foot at almost a right angle from my leg. Then early this year, I broke my right middle finger bowling. I guess it came out of the ball wrong. Dangerous sport, bowling!

  7. Karen Said,

    I broke my wrist when I was in college, snow tubing. We went down a big hill and ran out of snow at the bottom. The tube came to an abrupt stop! and my partner and I went flying. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

  8. Elizabeth Said,

    Shoot! I wish I had given you the referral, too! I left your page that day really excited about bzzagent, but didn’t sign up until after all my blog reading and I could NOT remember whose page it was on. Man…I’m so sorry! You think that’s a sign that I read too many blogs?

  9. Simply Dawn Said,

    No broke bones and I really really hope it stays that way. Me and pain just don’t go well togehter. Wow for Tim, yeah most guys I know have their “wound” stories with dirt bikes and 4 wheelers. You think Tim is up to talking to my husband on how to be safe and still have fun. Patt could use all the help he could get.. 🙂

  10. Desert Songbird Said,

    No broken bones for me yet (knock on wood!), but hubby was in a serious car accident before I met him and he has a few metal rods in place.

  11. JennaG Said,

    I have never broken a bone–that I know of anyway. I suspected that I had on the top of my foot, but never had it checked out. My youngest daughter broke her arm when she was 5. My hubby has broken both wrists (more than once), a toe, and his nose.

  12. Barb Said,

    Nope. Never broken a bone. And that’s pretty much OK with me. I’m a wimp. I don’t do things that could result in broken bones. I may possibly be the only resident of Colorado who doesn’t ski. NO WAY! I know for sure I’d break something. LOL

    Thank you for your sweet comment and rest assured your name is entered in my little ole hat, for the wedding favor giveaway going on at my place.

  13. Gail Said,

    I’ve not broken any bones either! That I know of anyway, and I say that because of that funny fall I took skiing this year……my xray on the thumb showed up as nothing but it is still not right so I wonder if I did do something else to it.

  14. Shawna Said,

    Short and sweet for me. No broken bones. Not even close!

  15. Dawn Said,

    No broken bones for me, but I did flip over the handlebars of my bike when I was 12 (back in the 70’s when wearing protective gear of any kind was not even thought of!) and I broke my front teeth. Hopefully that’s as close as I’ll come to a broken bone.

    take care,

  16. Lynne Said,

    When Shelby was 10 and was living with us for a year, she was running and fell, putting her hands out to stop the fall. Within 2 days, she was in casts on both arms. On her right, it was above the elbow bent at a 45 degree angle. One the left, her hand was done so that she couldn’t close her fingers and thumb. So to eat, she had to pick food up with her right hand, then transfer it to her left so that she could get it to her mouth using only her fingers. Right after the casts came off, she and I were roller skating and she fell – again – and rebroke her left arm.

  17. Stacy Said,

    No broken bones for me either. But, that’s a miracle!!

  18. Debi Said,

    Glad you opted for the cute doggy bone, instead of a “icky” human one! lol

    Broke my foot when I was in 1st grade. I, too, am of the klutzy, not the adventurous breed. Broke it playing TV tag at the neighbor’s house. I kid you not. See…klutzy, indeed! Cracked a rib once, too, falling down a friend’s stairs.

  19. Sherry Said,

    I broke my left ankle twice, but had no medical attention. Later when I sprained the ankle I was working for an Orthopedic surgeon and he pointed out the two places where my ankle had broken and healed previously!

    I also busted my kneecap when I was 18. I slipped on the ice after a night class. Also my left leg.


  20. Kelly Said,

    Yes a fractured wrist and a fractured ankle.

  21. Southern Girl Said,

    *I’ve* never broken a bone, but I had one broken FOR me. 😉 One of my surgeons broke my right femur when I was 10 so he could attach a device to the outside of my leg for my parents to turn this little dial one millimeter a day to separate the two pieces of bone, so hopefully when they grew back together, I’d have a longer bone there and a longer leg. Didn’t work though. 😛

  22. Heidi Said,

    No, I have never broken a bone. But i do get bruises and scrapes all the time!

  23. Melody Said,

    Nope, thank goodness!! And I intend to keep it that way! 😛

  24. annie Said,

    No broken bones for me!!!

  25. Cam Said,

    Only one, and it was my little toe, when I was 15. I was walking through my parents’ bedroom (barefoot) and my toe caught the foot of their dresser as I passed. It felt like it cracked and I remember falling down and crying from the pain. Later that night, it had turned purple & black and it was just throbbing with pain. My mom taped it where it would stay against my other toe, and we kept it like that for a couple of weeks. It took a long time to heal. It still hurts extra-bad if I end up hitting it against something.
    Other than that, no others. Neither has Philip.

  26. Michael-Lover of Amy Said,

    Fingers and toes have been the primary ones for me. In fact my left ring finger tilts to the right above the outer-most knuckle. It happened while freefalling from a platform while attached to a cable and harness on a ropes course in the North Carolina mountains. I believe I was singing the national anthem at the time!

    My only other break was a fracture, but not a clean break I suffered when thrown from a horse on the beach south of Cancun, Mexico. I got back on the horse believing if I could still ride, than everything was okay. I got to the turn around point, dismounted, and walked the horse back the 2 miles or so to the ranch to be driven to the hospital.

  27. Sparky Duck Said,

    I have been lucky enough to never have broken a bone, though Mrs Duck has broken multiple bones multiple times so I am just going to knock wood and move on *knock knock*

  28. Michelle (Emmell) Said,

    I always wished as a kid that I would get a broken bone, but no such luck.
    I thought getting a cast would be so cool. Now at 39, I don’t think it would be much fun.

  29. CMChristine Said,

    Broke my ankle when I was 5 jumping out of a tree house pretending to be wonder woman. Well, technically I was pushed out by a relative who was trying to “help” me, but had he not pushed, I would have jumped anyway, LOL.

  30. mamichelle Said,

    Great question! No, I haven’t and I hope I didn’t just jinx myself (your next question should be “Are you supersitious!!).

    My 17 yo. ds has broken his arm and wrist so far. He’s had numerous trips to the ER, had stitches twice before he was two. Very accident prone.

    My other ds (21) – not a broken bone yet and had one trip to the ER as an adult – stitches on the hand.

  31. Amy Said,

    I went into high school on crutches because of my arthritis. I stayed on them until the summer of my senior year. I couldn’t wait to go to school off crutches! That summer I was feeling better than ever and my dad bought a moped. I begged my mom to let me ride it. She said if I broke a leg don’t come crying to her. Well, you guessed it. I crashed and broke my leg! My friend’s dad carried me home. In a way I was excited because I knew when I went to school I could show off my cast. Lo and behold the doctor took it off before the first day of school. Everyone thought I was still on crutches because of arthritis so I didn’t get “the attention” I was wanting! lol!!

    You might think this is funny too. I’ve had lots of joint replacements and when my kids get whiny about little things I always say, “oh yeah, well I’ve had my bones cut off!” I dunno, maybe you have to be here!

  32. Jennifer Said,

    No major broken bones…I smashed my pinky finger in a door once and crushed the tip of it, and I ran into a door frame once and broke my wee-wee piggy, but that’s about it…nothing huge and dramatic 🙂

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