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Posted by Stace

Finished “Blessings”

Blessings by Anna QuindlenI finished another book recently, “Blessings” by Anna Quindlen. This is a book I actually purchased, for full price, in the bookstore. GASP! This was my first ever book by Anna Quindlen and I do like her writing style. It reminds me a little bit of Elizabeth Berg, but I don’t think I enjoyed it quite as much as the Berg books I have read. “Blessings” was good, not super-fantastic, but good.

Blessings is the name of the estate that has been in Lydia Blessing’s family for years. Lydia is in her 80’s and lives alone at Blessings with her housekeeper, Nadine, and her new caretaker/gardener Skip Cuddy. Skip discovers a box one morning on the stairs leading up to his garage apartment. A newborn baby girl is sleeping inside the box. Skip, recently in jail on a questionable participation in a robbery, wants to keep the baby and raise her. He hides her from everything and everyone, including Mrs. Blessing. This, of course, does not last and the story spins on from here.

I liked the plot and I did like the characters. We got a lot of backstory of Lydia’s childhood, her short marriage to Benny and glimpses into her daughter Meredith’s past. We meet some of the people that Skip used to associate with, and is trying to remove himself from as he builds a life for himself. This book also had a minor, ah, “undercurrent” of a subject I don’t prefer to read about, but it was not bad and it didn’t detract too much from the story. Quindlen could have pursued it more and she did not, and for that I was thankful. The book ended much as I expected. A quick read, weighing in at only 226 pages. I’d give it an average, slightly above average, rating. It was not one of my favorite books I’ve read thus far this year, but it was good.

For the record, that makes 46 books so far this year, for a total of 14,259 pages read. I think I’m going to switch gears and read a non women’s or Christian fiction book next. I think I’ll tackle one of the many Grisham books we have on our bookshelves that I have not read yet. I am going to give “The Brethren” a shot, but I reserve the right to drop it and pick up something else if it doesn’t grab my attention 😀

Happy Reading!

  1. twiga92 Said,

    Hmm, I think I might add this to my reading list. I like the premise of a baby being dropped at the doorstop. The Brethren by Grisham was pretty good. I might be picking up King of Torts soon. Enjoy!

  2. Susie Said,

    46 books! :O You amaze me.

  3. amy Said,

    My type of book! If you want Christian Fiction, try a Karen Kingsbury series.They are great but addictive

  4. Karen Said,

    As I read your review, I thought what a great story! and then. ., . I realized I’d already read it. It WAS good, as I recall. Wow — 46 books. How DO you keep all the storylines straight? Are you one of those readers who can recall details in the story long after you’ve read it? There’s a woman in my book club like that, and I just marvel at how she can do that. My mind is like a sieve.

  5. Kara Said,

    I always thought I read fast and a lot but I think you have me beat! I know where to go for book recommendations!

  6. Debi Said,

    I don’t know, Stace…I still think you’re gonna beat that 75 by a mile!

  7. Lorie Said,

    I really liked this book. However, I could not get into any of her other books.

    Also, I answered your question in the comments on my blog. Thanks for visiting!

  8. Shawna Said,

    I might like to read this one. BTW, what was the “undercurrent?” Knowing that may change my mind:)

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