::Gone Fishin’!::
Onesome: Gone– “Gone with the Wind”? Do you have a new “must see” movie for this Summer? Well, I had several on the list that I thought we might want to see, although none of them are what I consider “must see”. We have seen MI3 and XMen 3 so far, and have not seen The Da Vinci Code yet. I think we both want to go see the new Superman movie that opens in a few weeks also. Oh, and I definitely want to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, loved the first one!
Twosome: Fish– Do you fish? What, where (and who cleans
Threesome: in’– coming! Do you have any Summer visitors headed your way? …or are you the one(s) doing the traveling? Suzanne was just here for a few days, and Gail and Don come some, so Don and Tim can play golf. We don’t have any “big” visitors coming for any length of time for the rest of the summer, that I know of. We normally go somewhere in July, but so far we’ve been unable to plan a trip this year. Maybe later!