Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Last Day of School::

Onesome- Last: What’s the last thing you do each day before heading to bed? Do you sit down with a cup of herbal tea? Read a bit? What’s your evening routine? Do you settle in early or are you a night owl, winding down long after the rest of the household is in bed? After I’m finished with TV or a movie for the night, I go shut my computer down, then clean up (wash face, brush teeth, etc). I climb into bed and read for a while, until my eyes get heavy or bleary! 🙂

Twosome- Day: How do you start off your day? Do you stumble to the kitchen and turn on the coffee maker in a sleepy haze? Or do you wake up refreshed and rarin’ to go? Maybe somewhere in the middle? Well, it depends, we have an odd schedule. If it’s a “regular” day with Tim either going into the office or working from home, we usually get up and go walking (2 miles). Then we come back and eat breakfast, etc. If we don’t go walking, I usually get up and help get things ready for Tim, to head out to work, make the bed, etc. I guess I’m somewhere in the middle!

Threesome- of School: What’s your fondest school memory? Whether it be from childhood or college, let us know! I have fond memories of the being on the drill team in high school, and hanging out with friends in the dorm in college. Nothing really spectacular jumps out and comes to mind right now.

  1. Laura Said,

    Wow, my husband won’t even get out of bed with enough time to get dressed before work, much less walk and eat breakfast and all of that.

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