It’s day two of the long Memorial Day weekend and we’re still at Gail’s house, and having a really good time. We got here yesterday and all had lunch together, then the guys went to play golf. Gail and I went shopping and got back right before my dad got here. We made a dessert –this one– and then made supper. The guys finally came back after 18 holes of golf and lots of sun. We had intended to watch a movie after supper, but everyone got to talking and telling stories and jokes, and we just never seemed to get around to putting the movie in.
Today, Tim and I went to Sunday School with Don and Gail, and then we all went to church. They had a really nice Memorial Day service, including having every family place flowers at a cross in front, in remembrance of all of the soldiers who had given their life in service to our country. We went to the local Chinese buffet for lunch afterwards, then the guys headed out to the golf du jour – a scramble at Don’s country club. Dad left for home about mid-afternoon.
And there you have it – a bona fide update. Not sure if we’re going to stay tonight or head home. It will depend on how tired the guys are from another full day of golf, and if we stay to watch a movie or play games, or Tim is tired enough to just want to go home and crash. Either way, I think we’re going to try to grill out tomorrow and maybe take in a movie, a matinee. I’ll try to report back later on that!
they’ll be hot and tired again !! Hope their scores improved !
So glad you are having a good time! Be careful riding around.
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