Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, May 26, 2006
Feast Ninety-Five

How old were you when you got your first credit card?
One all of my own? 21, right out of college. It’s still the one I use most today. There are a couple of other places that ahem, turned me down, for a credit card. Retail stores. Bad stores. 🙄

When was the last time you felt out of place?
Well, this happens a lot. Not sure exactly, but one occasion that springs to mind is on Mother’s Day Sunday, in church, when they are singling out all the mothers. I hate that. I hate being reminded that I will never be a mother and I have this huge stigma that follows me wherever I go.

Did you have a curfew when you were a teenager? If so, what time did you have to be home?
I think when I was first driving, it was probably more like 10 PM (very strict parents). Maybe by the time I was in college (but home on breaks), it was maybe more like midnight. I rarely, if ever, broke it. I was a good girl 😆

Main Course
Name a person from history with whom you feel you have something in common.
Whew, this is a toughie. I thought briefly of wimping out, since I couldn’t come up with anything. I mean, it’s a great question, but let’s face it – people in history are noted for something – strength, fierceness, nobility of character, bravery, etc, and those are not traits I possess. 🙂 The only thing I could come up with is maybe Betsy Ross – not for sewing the flag, but because she was very patriotic. I think I’m very patriotic. 🙂

When you read a newspaper, which section do you go for first?
The front page, I start at the front and methodically work my way to the back, in order. Would you expect any less of a slightly obsessive-compulsive sort like me?! :mrgreen:

  1. Connie Said,

    Just wanted you to know that I get that very same feeling when it comes to motherhood. People are just downright heartless on the subject. When I attend showers, dinners and even when I am shopping I get grilled about my situation and why I don’t have children. I am beginning to think I need to carry a supply of pocket etiquette books so I can hand them out to rude people.

    Take care,

  2. Stace Said,

    Thank you Connie – that means a lot to me! 🙂

  3. Loni Said,

    I am sorry about Mother’s Day. It can be hard for women for various reasons. For me it’s my babies that are in heaven, even though I do have living children. It’s not a HAPPY mother’s day for many. I am sorry for the pain for you.

    My FF is up too.

  4. Friday's Child Said,

    Very early curfew I should say.

    Mine is up too.

  5. Gail Said,


  6. Susie Said,

    I love your answer to the Main Course. I would hope that I am also as patriotic as Betsy Ross. 🙂

    I’m sorry to hear your answer to the Soup. I don’t have any children yet and have experienced only a year of infertility, but I do know how misunderstanding people can be when that subject arises. 🙁 *hugs*

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