Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace


My blog and I hit a nice milestone last night – we logged our 10,000th visitor to the site. Fittingly enough, it was my sister Gail. 😆 Thanks Gail, and everyone else, for visiting my blog and reading my entries, answering my questions, and leaving me comments. I really enjoy it, and appreciate it.

Here’s to the next 10,000 visits!

Posted by Stace


I’m too weary to blog today… we’ve been busy in the yard and out buying stuff for the yard. I’ll try to catch up tomorrow or the next day. Yard work in 95º weather tends to wear a person out! 🙄

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Time to feast again! 🙂

Friday, June 09, 2006
Feast Ninety-Seven

About how much money did you spend on gas this week?
I haven’t filled up this week, so none. The last time I filled up (maybe last week), I think it was about $45 bucks or so (of course, the tank was not empty, I fill up somewhere around 1/4 of a tank or 1/2).

What is your favorite brand of toilet paper?
Quilted Northern

When was the last time you discovered something that you thought was pure genius?
Hmm, that may require more thought than I can muster this morning. 🙄 Years ago, I thought buying lettuce washed and cut up in a bag was a stupid idea and a waste of money. Uh, well, I’ve totally changed my mind since then! Same thing with the iPod, when Apple first came out with them, I just didn’t get it. Now, looking back, I think that is probably near genius – iPods are smart, fun, easy to use and a total money pit. Look how much iTunes sells, songs and even TV shows – who would have ever thought you’d pay 2 bucks to watch a TV show on a tiny handheld device, when you could sit and watch it on your big screen at home!

Main Course
What is the least amount of sleep you can get by on per night?
I am a sleep addict and I require a lot more than most people. I really need 8-9 hours a night, but I can squeak by on 6-7 hours a night. Only if I must. I’d have to make up for it the next day or night!

June is a popular month for weddings. Do you know anyone who is getting married this month?

Posted by Stace

Snack du Jour

Have you ever heard the old saying “never go to the grocery store hungry”? Well, that definitely applies to me. I tend to buy a LOT more food, especially junk food, if I go when I’m remotely hungry.

The problem is, when I went today, I was not hungry! But, I still bought some junk to snack on. Here’s the snack of the day… yum, so good :mrgreen:

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus and Garlic Pita Chips

P.S. Yes – my breath smells wonderful now!

Posted by Stace


OK, so here’s a question – if I put a facial moisturizer on my face that has SPF 15 in it, then I put on makeup/foundation that has an SPF of 15 – does that mean I have SPF 30 coverage on my face? Or does one cancel out the other and I still just have an SPF of 15 on my face, out in this blazing hot sun? It’s hot here, and supposed to be 96º this weekend. Ick. Gotta get serious about sunblock and sunscreen soon. :mrgreen:


Miss Julia Meets Her Match by Ann B. RossI finished another library book last night, “Miss Julia Meets Her Match” by Ann B. Ross. This is probably the 5th Miss Julia book I’ve read, and I’ve really enjoyed them all. They are light and funny and very Southern. Sometimes, while I’m reading them, I just die out laughing, really loud. I get some funny looks from Tim sometimes 🙄

For the record, that makes #33 for the year, with a total of 11,855 pages read. Up next to read is “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant, which I’ve heard good things about. Check back in a few days or maybe a week, for a review of that one. 🙂

Posted by Stace


If you’ve read my blog before, you probably know that my better half is recently, totally and completely obsessed with golf. He started last December and has played almost non-stop since then. He has had lessons, hit golf balls in the back yard, gone to the driving range, played in scrambles, and gotten in as much “regular” golf as he can. He has been wanting me to go with him, but I have resisted thus far. Until yesterday, that is.

Tim got off work a little early and wanted to go play 18 holes. He “talked” me into going with him and riding in the golf cart. Expecting it to be like going to the driving range with him, I took along a book and my iPod, as well as my camera. Well, the iPod never came out and I read maybe 2 paragraphs in my book. The camera, however, got a good workout!

I must admit, it was a lot more fun than I had expected it to be. :mrgreen: I’m used to sitting still, watching him hit balls from one spot. Not so on a golf course. It was pretty constant movement and activity. When we first started out, there were two carts of golfers behind us, and I was hesitant about even going. But, Tim played the first couple of holes pretty quickly, and we got a head start on the others, and from then on, we were pretty much on each hole by ourselves. Which was great – we had a lot of fun! I took a lot of pictures, learned to drive a golf cart, helped him look for his ball :cry:, drove around looking for the yardage markers, etc. Not knowing anything about golf, I had no idea you could drive the golf cart out on the fairway (well, not on some holes, par 3’s on this course), and so I had a blast, zipping around with him, looking for balls, taking him his clubs, getting water, etc. The course we went to (Caroline) is really pretty, and I really enjoyed being out there with him. There’s a lake there, and of course a lot of water and sand hazards on each hole. We encountered a bunch of geese on one hole and had to wait for them to get across the cart path. The place was really beautiful and I took a lot of scenic pictures and a ton of flower pictures (they had gorgeous daylillies on several of the holes). I may post those later this afternoon on a separate post.

We were really late getting home, so we stopped and picked up some food for supper (salad for me and burger for Tim). We watched a movie from our collection after we got home, a recent purchase of a really old movie that I like (Memphis Belle). All in all, a really good day!

Click to see pictures from our golf outing…

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Ten on Tuesday Meme

Ten on Tuesday meme

This week’s topic:

10 ways you like to relax

1. Sleep!
2. Watch TV
3. Watch a movie (preferably a “chick flick”)
4. Read
5. Surf the Internet
6. Take a Bubble Bath
7. Sit outside and listen to the birds singing, my windchimes chiming
8. Take photographs of anything
9. Listen to music on my iPod
10. Play mindless games on the computer

Posted by Stace

Bird on a Wire

We have a suet feeder that the smaller birds like chickadees and wrens come to, more often than the seed feeder. However, if you look at the link, you’ll see that the suet cakes were at least half full on 5-29-06 (less than 10 days ago). However, about 3 days after I took this picture, I noticed the cakes were completely gone. They have been very hungry lately!

So, since their suet is gone (yes, I need to go to Walmart!), the chickadees have been coming to the bird seed feeder more often. Yesterday afternoon, there were 3 or 4 of them at one time, vying for attention on the feeder. The ones waiting in line would perch on top of the shepherd’s hook, waiting their turn.

Chickadees on a hook, aka, birds on a wire:

Bird on a Wire

Bird on a Wire

Bird on a Wire

P.S. Please remember that I take these pictures from inside my house, so I’m taking the pictures looking through a dirty window that has a screen on it. Otherwise, the pictures would be a lot clearer 😆

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

1. I have broken zero bones in my lifetime.
2. I have had to get ?? stitches. –> I have no idea on this one! I had stitches as a very small child, but I don’t know how many! I have had none later in life
3. The worst I’ve ever injured myself was when I was a toddler and a brick fell on my head 😀 Yes, that’s how I always explain what is wrong with me – a brick fell on my head when I was very little!
4. I’ve had to go to the Emergency room 1 times (again, as a toddler, and I don’t remember a single bit of it!)
5. On a scale of 1 (being the highest) to 10 (being the lowest), my pain tolerance is a 9 . I’m a complete and total wimp, and I know it.

Posted by Stace

Weekend Recap

We had a really busy, but really fun weekend. Tim and I grilled out Friday night, and then watched some TV. He is really into the NBA playoffs this time around, and is enjoying all the games. Which is a really good thing, since there’s not a lot else on TV to watch lately! 🙂

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

No Time

I haven’t had any time to blog for the last couple of days. We’ve been really busy, hanging out with Don and Gail, and also getting to visit some with David, Elizabeth and Chris. I’ll try to blog tomorrow :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Good Stuff!

Well, lately, this blog seems to have turned into a series of product reviews and book reviews. Sorry about that, but these things seem to be commanding my attention lately.

So, to continue the trend, here’s another food product that I just bought and really, really like! It’s Blue Bunny’s Brownie Fudge Fantasy fat-free frozen yogurt. I’m not sure if Blue Bunny is available in all areas of the country, but it’s readily available down here in the Deep South. And this is chocolate-y enough to make me happy!

Blue Bunny Brownie Fudge Fantasy fat-free frozen yogurt

Posted by Stace

This and That

Not a lot going on around here to blog about… let’s see.

I’ve been reading a lot lately, especially since there’s not much on TV to watch at all anymore. I thought I would really enjoy that, and I have, but already I’m starting to tire of it. Maybe I’ve just been reading too much, or a lot of the same type of book, or something, because I’m feeling a tad burned out on reading. I am going to try to go to the library today and see what I can find to interest me. I have 6 books to return, 5 of which I have read. I think the last one, a new Karen Kingsbury one, will have to wait. I normally really dislike returning books to the library that I have not read (something in that OCD gene I have about a completion factor), but I’m just not up to reading another one of her books or starting a new series (this is the first in a set of 3 books in the “Forever Faithful” series). I’ll see what I can find, or if all else fails, I might could read one of the books we have bought and I have sitting on a bookshelf. 🙄

Along those same lines, I seem to be having an early case of the summer doldrums. We’re only one week into the no-tv zone and already I’m wanting something to keep me interested on a regular basis. We’ve watched movies, rented movies, I’ve been reading at night, Tim has his golf and has also been watching the NBA playoffs, but already – I’m starting to get bored of all that. I want something new and fun to do. Gail and I were just talking about this yesterday. Anybody have any suggestions?! 🙂

OK, I’ve got to run a couple of errands today – bank, library, Sam’s. I don’t feel like shopping, but it has to be done sometimes. I haven’t been to Sam’s in months, so I have a decent list.

Sigh, anybody else having the blahs?! 😛

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, June 02, 2006
Feast Ninety-Six

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how funny do you think you are?
Well, I think I’m about average, maybe a 5 or 6. Tim and I “get” each other’s humor and I often find we laugh at each other a lot more than other people laugh along to whatever we are saying or joking about. A lot of inside jokes, I guess, or else we’ve just grown very alike in our humor :mrgreen:

Name a local restaurant would you recommend to a visitor to your town or city.
If they would eat fish, we’d take them to Cock of the Walk out at the Reservoir. They only serve fried catfish, but the atmosphere is great and the food is always incredibly good. I blogged about a recent trip here.

What’s a lesson you were lucky enough to learn the easy way?
Not sure if it’s a lesson, but I try really hard not to make or take bad first impressions of people. I don’t make great first impressions myself, it takes people a while to get to know me and not think I’m horrible or a snob or weird. 🙂 So, I work really hard at not taking bad first impressions of others

Main Course
Where would you like to be 5 years from now?
Where I am, happily married, hopefully surrounded by family and friends

If you could see the front page of a newspaper from June 2, 2106, what would you imagine the headline might be?
Well, would we even have printed newspapers then? With the way technology is progressing, I doubt we’d have printed news on a paper thrown on your driveway by a paper carrier. Having said that, I imagine we’d read about wars, diseases, global warming, new technology, etc. I would like to think that our world then would be better, maybe cures for cancer and other diseases would have been found, maybe we would have learned to live in harmony with others on our planet, but I have my doubts. Who knows.

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