Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

This and That

Not a lot going on around here to blog about… let’s see.

I’ve been reading a lot lately, especially since there’s not much on TV to watch at all anymore. I thought I would really enjoy that, and I have, but already I’m starting to tire of it. Maybe I’ve just been reading too much, or a lot of the same type of book, or something, because I’m feeling a tad burned out on reading. I am going to try to go to the library today and see what I can find to interest me. I have 6 books to return, 5 of which I have read. I think the last one, a new Karen Kingsbury one, will have to wait. I normally really dislike returning books to the library that I have not read (something in that OCD gene I have about a completion factor), but I’m just not up to reading another one of her books or starting a new series (this is the first in a set of 3 books in the “Forever Faithful” series). I’ll see what I can find, or if all else fails, I might could read one of the books we have bought and I have sitting on a bookshelf. 🙄

Along those same lines, I seem to be having an early case of the summer doldrums. We’re only one week into the no-tv zone and already I’m wanting something to keep me interested on a regular basis. We’ve watched movies, rented movies, I’ve been reading at night, Tim has his golf and has also been watching the NBA playoffs, but already – I’m starting to get bored of all that. I want something new and fun to do. Gail and I were just talking about this yesterday. Anybody have any suggestions?! 🙂

OK, I’ve got to run a couple of errands today – bank, library, Sam’s. I don’t feel like shopping, but it has to be done sometimes. I haven’t been to Sam’s in months, so I have a decent list.

Sigh, anybody else having the blahs?! 😛

  1. Gail Said,

    well, you know I am b/c we already talked about it! find something new and fun for us to do!

  2. Suzanne Said,

    you need to get away to a cooler destination. I am just getting geared up for summer and reading !!

  3. Amanda Said,

    Well…..you could always go back to scrapbooking! I’m sure that you have TONS of pictures that you have not even started printing. I started last week going through my 2005 digitals to decide what to print for albums. And YES I will be doing regular non-scrapbook albums! Those can be done fairly quickly once I pick the pictures that I’d like for people to see. I have also started a few folders for pics that I might like to scrapbook!

    That or you could get a dog! That could be fun and keep you busy! Tim has his golf, I think that you need a dog : )

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