Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Bird on a Wire

We have a suet feeder that the smaller birds like chickadees and wrens come to, more often than the seed feeder. However, if you look at the link, you’ll see that the suet cakes were at least half full on 5-29-06 (less than 10 days ago). However, about 3 days after I took this picture, I noticed the cakes were completely gone. They have been very hungry lately!

So, since their suet is gone (yes, I need to go to Walmart!), the chickadees have been coming to the bird seed feeder more often. Yesterday afternoon, there were 3 or 4 of them at one time, vying for attention on the feeder. The ones waiting in line would perch on top of the shepherd’s hook, waiting their turn.

Chickadees on a hook, aka, birds on a wire:

Bird on a Wire

Bird on a Wire

Bird on a Wire

P.S. Please remember that I take these pictures from inside my house, so I’m taking the pictures looking through a dirty window that has a screen on it. Otherwise, the pictures would be a lot clearer 😆


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