Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, June 02, 2006
Feast Ninety-Six

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how funny do you think you are?
Well, I think I’m about average, maybe a 5 or 6. Tim and I “get” each other’s humor and I often find we laugh at each other a lot more than other people laugh along to whatever we are saying or joking about. A lot of inside jokes, I guess, or else we’ve just grown very alike in our humor :mrgreen:

Name a local restaurant would you recommend to a visitor to your town or city.
If they would eat fish, we’d take them to Cock of the Walk out at the Reservoir. They only serve fried catfish, but the atmosphere is great and the food is always incredibly good. I blogged about a recent trip here.

What’s a lesson you were lucky enough to learn the easy way?
Not sure if it’s a lesson, but I try really hard not to make or take bad first impressions of people. I don’t make great first impressions myself, it takes people a while to get to know me and not think I’m horrible or a snob or weird. 🙂 So, I work really hard at not taking bad first impressions of others

Main Course
Where would you like to be 5 years from now?
Where I am, happily married, hopefully surrounded by family and friends

If you could see the front page of a newspaper from June 2, 2106, what would you imagine the headline might be?
Well, would we even have printed newspapers then? With the way technology is progressing, I doubt we’d have printed news on a paper thrown on your driveway by a paper carrier. Having said that, I imagine we’d read about wars, diseases, global warming, new technology, etc. I would like to think that our world then would be better, maybe cures for cancer and other diseases would have been found, maybe we would have learned to live in harmony with others on our planet, but I have my doubts. Who knows.

  1. Connie Said,

    My dessert also mentions a cure for cancer. In five years I hope you are very happy as you said.

    Take care,

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my feast

  2. Friday's Child Said,

    After having a feast here, I am living contented.
    My feast is up too.

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