Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

1. I have broken zero bones in my lifetime.
2. I have had to get ?? stitches. –> I have no idea on this one! I had stitches as a very small child, but I don’t know how many! I have had none later in life
3. The worst I’ve ever injured myself was when I was a toddler and a brick fell on my head 😀 Yes, that’s how I always explain what is wrong with me – a brick fell on my head when I was very little!
4. I’ve had to go to the Emergency room 1 times (again, as a toddler, and I don’t remember a single bit of it!)
5. On a scale of 1 (being the highest) to 10 (being the lowest), my pain tolerance is a 9 . I’m a complete and total wimp, and I know it.

  1. Trista Said,

    Just stopped by for your MM. You poor thing. Thinking about a brick on the noggin gives me a headache.

  2. Suzanne Said,

    You were trying to throw the brick over a fence and it didn’t make it and popped you on the head – forehead above your eyes. Bleeding…….crying……..blah.blah !

  3. Gail Said,

    I don’t remember this incident!

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