Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Weekend Wrap-Up

Let’s see… last week Gail came to visit some, and Don came in Thursday night. Gail and Don went to the homecoming game at Hinds, out in Raymond, for Katelyn to be a part of the homecoming court. We didn’t go (we went out to eat at Krilakis and then watched some tv), but we were glad they were able to come for their granddaughter! Friday morning, I got up early and went walking with Beau, nearly 5 miles. Tim and Don left early for the golf course, and Gail left to go pick up Kathryn, Elizabeth and the kids to go to Hattiesburg. Katelyn was also in the homecoming court at Presbyterian Christian, and they went to visit Dad and pick him up for the parade. Don and Tim finished golf around lunchtime, so they swung by to get me and we all went to eat at Chili’s. Don left after lunch, having more work to do, but Tim had taken a day of vacation, so we went to run errands. We had some returns to make at Marshall’s and TJ Maxx, and we also went by Toys R Us to get Sam a birthday present (party next weekend!) and to make another big trip to Sam’s.

Saturday, we watched USM lose another game on TV, this one to Boise State. They are now 0-5 and it’s just heartbreaking. They’ve had winning seasons for the last 17 or 18 years, so it’s hard to watch. After the game, Tim went to play golf, and Beau and I stayed home. I caught up on some shows on the DVR and did some stuff around the house.

Sunday, we had church (current series: Give Yourself Away) and then we went to Corner Bakery afterwards. Tim had breakfast (breakfast panini and oatmeal) and I had lunch (cup of potato soup and a small harvest salad), and it was delicious as always. After that, we ran by Kroger to get gas (3.41 a gallon, but we had a discount from buying groceries), and to pick up food for the week. The Saints played the night game, and I made a big pot of taco soup before the game. Finally, the Saints won a game, beating the Chargers at home, so their record is now 1-4. Let’s hope this breaks their losing streak and they can turn the season around.

It was great weather over the weekend, and today (Monday). Low’s in the upper 40’s and low 50’s and high’s in the upper 60’s and low 70’s. Feels like fall! We got up at 6:15 to go walking, it’s dark and it was chilly, about 50 degrees. I love it!

Got more company coming this week (David and some friends are staying with us a night) and then a busy weekend ahead, with Sam’s birthday party.

Life is good!

Posted by Stace

What… October!!

Wow, August drug its slow self and it seemed like September would never come. Now, I’ve blinked, and September is over 🙂

October, November and December are my favorite months. Holidays, birthdays, fall and the change of seasons and food. I’m ready!

Ok, a quick update. The toilet saga was obviously sooopo newsworthy! Otherwise, the weekend was fairly quiet. Lots of rain on Saturday and Sunday. We only ate out once (Friday night, at Mr Chen’s), and I’m working hard on a menu for the week. Today is still dreary, misting outside, and the high is only supposed to be 64 degrees. Highly unusual for us (it will be back near 90 before the week is over). So, I’m making potato soup and homemade bread for supper tonight! I’ll love it, and Tim, well, he’ll tolerate it. He’d much rather have a steak or meatloaf 🙂

Our sports teams were so disappointing again this weekend. Tim has been in a bad mood for two days, since the Eagles lost (0-4 now), the Saints lost to the Packers yesterday (0-4 now, boo), and even the Ryder Cup team lost on the last day. They started Sunday with a lead and blew it. Tim is not happy, very grumpy for Tim.

I’ve walked twice today – a little over 7 miles. I’m beat! Beau is sound asleep, and I wish I had time for a nap! I think tonight will be an early one for me.

Finished a good cozy mystery last night, Murder Most Maine (3rd in the Gray Whale Inn series) and started another good one, Mary Magdalene by Diana Wallis Taylor. Looking forward to all the new shows that are waiting for us on the DVR and the fact that I’ll have Dancing with the Stars: AllStars to watch tomorrow! 🙂

Was happy to find milk on sale this week at Kroger for 2.99! It’s the little things that make me happy 🙂

Unhappy to not see very many free books for my Kindle today. A while back, I seemed to find a ton of new, free books for my Kindle on the first day of the month. Now, it seems like most of the ones they are offering I already have. Now, mind you, I definitely do NOT need more books. I have a couple hundred I have still not read, I buy a few from time to time, and I can get them from the library. I just love to get good free Christian books for my Kindle. 😀

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Posted by Stace

The One About…


But first, less interesting news! My dad came this week, on Monday the 24th. He had a quick errand to run at the credit union, and then came to visit and spend the night. I had setup two appointments at retirement homes near us, and he agreed to go visit both of them and check them out. Tim and I really like one of them, it’s fairly new, very close to our house, and actually the cheaper option. The only problem is that there is a waiting list, and my dad is really dragging his feet on moving. None of us can really understand. I mean, we do, I know it would be hard to sell my house and most of my things and move into a smaller apartment with strangers. But, on the positive side, he’d have all his meals prepared and served to him every day, housekeeping to clean his apartment, activities available, a shuttle service to take him places, etc. But none of that appeals to him, he sees it as losing his independence and being around people he doesn’t know. So, sigh. It’s going to be a long road. My sisters and I just hope that he is able to move into one of these before something more drastic happens, and then his only choice might be a nursing home.

Poor Tim didn’t get to play much golf this week. He didn’t play Monday and Tuesday because my dad was here (and he burned a day of vacation too, to go with us on Tuesday, he’s truly a prince of a guy!). Then he played Wednesday, but wasn’t able to go on Thursday or Friday, they had outings and tournaments scheduled at his club. So he was really looking forward to playing today (Saturday) in a tournament with our church. He got the word late yesterday that they had a lot of people cancelling, probably because of the weather, and so they cancelled it. Poor Tim, he was SO disappointed. So, instead we decided to work in the yard.

We slept late this morning, watched a little Ryder Cup (he’s also really excited about that!) and then worked outside, and put out a bunch of bales of pine straw. After that, I tried to talk him into more tv, but he wanted to work on the toilets. We had bought new parts for both toilets a couple of weeks ago, new valves and flusher things, basically all the inside parts except for the handle and big black floating bubble thingie-ma-bob! He got the master bath done pretty quickly, and said “I’ll do the guest bath and then watch Ryder Cup”.

Well, that didn’t work quite as planned! He had gotten all the parts replaced, and had put the tank bank on. He went outside to turn the water back on, and when he came back in, I heard him say very loudly “Oh No! Oh Crap!”. Which, from Tim, is very unusual and very serious! He was trying to tighten something because it was leaking and BOOM! The porcelain tank cracked and started dripping lots of water. So, we ended up having to buy a whole new toilet. He worked tirelessly for hours, never stopped for lunch, and finally got it all done. I tell you what, that boy is a keeper. I am definitely going to hang on to him, there’s nothing he can’t do or fix or replace! 🙂

So, now we’re watching football, and listening to the rain. It was supposed to rain all day today, tomorrow (Sun) and Monday. It didn’t start raining till mid-afternoon, so I think they could have gotten their golf in, but oh well. At least I have pine straw in all the flower beds, a repaired master toilet and a brand new guest bath toilet! LOL! 🙂 I’m a lucky girl! 😀

Posted by Stace


Some random and assorted thoughts and things going on:

It’s been chilly in the mornings when we walk! Sorta feels like fall. I know it will warm up, so I’m really enjoying the cooler temps while I can. One morning (just one!) was 51 degrees, so it was nice! I even broke down and splurged on a mug of hot tea Friday morning and coffee Saturday morning… they were both awesome!

Gail came Tuesday night and stayed with us while Don was out of town. I had to get my hair cut (and colored!) Wednesday morning, and after that, she ran errands with me. We went to TJ Maxx and Marshalls, and I picked up 2 more pieces of cookware.

I have been sort of wavering on Cuisinart vs Calphalon for some new stainless cookware. I had bought a couple in the Simply Calphalon line, but there seems to be a lot more sizes, shapes and even levels available from Cuisinart. I don’t really want to get a whole set, there are pieces I don’t want, and I really don’t have enough room for a large set (Tim found a 14 pc set at Sam’s he wanted to get me). Anyway, I found a couple more pieces Wednesday at TJ Maxx in the Simply Calphalon line, so I went ahead and got them. I need to pick up or order a couple more, but I think I’m going to go with that one. What I like about them is that they have a silicon grip on the handles and lid, instead of being all metal (I’m worried they’ll be hot). What I don’t like about them is that they have that black silicon grip, it doesn’t look as sleek as the all metal ones, LOL!

We also went to Kroger, the bank and post office. Gail left going home, and Tim went to play golf. He’s really enjoying the weather and his golf, his game is going well right now and he’s shooting lower scores than ever. He has one more tournament coming up at the end of the month. The days are getting shorter, so he can’t get as much golf in as he would like.

Survivor is back on and we watched the first episode Wednesday night! Hard to believe it’s the 25th season and we’ve watched every episode except the first one or two of season one. I tried the new Jeff Probst daytime talk show, and only gave it one day. I didn’t like the format. I much prefer The Chew and Rachael Ray for my daytime nonsense. I would give Katie Couric’s show a try, but no affiliate here is airing it.

Bought a jar of apple butter recently and tried it on toast, pretty good. I’m getting excited about fall and cooking more seasonal stuff with apples, pumpkins, soups, etc, and of course, Tim grilling out for football games and stuff. Love this time of year!

P.S. Saturday turned out to be a nice day together! Tim has been playing golf every Saturday for a while now, so when he said he wasn’t going to play, I got pretty excited! He’s been busy around the house and yard. We went to Lowe’s and got all new floodlights, and he’s put all of those up outside (the old ones were rusting and peeling). We also got pine straw, but haven’t gotten it out yet. We had to make a second trip to Lowe’s to get stuff to patch the roof, he found a hole in one of the shingles, yikes. Going to watch our college football game on the computer tonight, it’s not on regular tv, just ESPN3.com, so it’s hard for us to watch on the little bitty computer screen! 🙂

Posted by Stace

This Weekend I…

found this cute button on an old post at Jen’s blog, a Good Cup of Coffee, and she said it came from another bloggy buddy, Karen at Over the Backyard Fence. Both wonderful ladies, with terrific blogs. Hope they don’t mind me swiping and using!

This was the weekend that I could have done without. Tim was happy, oh so happy, since he played in his club’s two day championship tournament. He ended up doing really well, he came in second in his flight (although he was upset, he only lost by one stroke and he *really* wanted to win, he said!). I knew he was playing, and had some girly movies all lined up, a book to read, things to do, so I was more than happy to stay home with Beau and hang out. Tim was gone about 9 hours on Saturday and about 8 on Sunday, so I watched 2 football games by myself, then re-watched them with him when he got home. Both our teams lost (USM to East Carolina and the Saints to the Panthers, boo hiss).

No, the bad part was that I started getting a horrible headache on Friday. Saturday and Sunday were miserable. Friday wasn’t too bad, we went out to eat at Zaxby’s (since it’s next to Sam’s) and also ran to Marshalls and TJ Maxx and then did a huge trip to Sam’s. I may have spent more in Sam’s than ever, our bill was atrociously high. Anyway, Saturday morning I woke up and my head was so much worse. I don’t know if it’s just the weather or time of year, but I always seem to get sinus and a bad sinus pressure headache in September. Ugh. Sunday was a smidge better, not much. I did get out and go grocery shopping at Kroger, and also made a big batch of homemade calzones for Tim. He had one when he got home, and now he’s set for lunch for a few days.

Today is supposed to be rainy. It wasn’t raining this morning yet, so Beau and I headed out on our walk. Tim had to work last night, so he slept in and didn’t go. I walked a whopping 19 miles last week, so I was happy. Of course, I haven’t lost a pound (all of those cookies, homemade bread, ice cream, etc are not helping), but the exercise is good. I had hoped it would help my head, but alas, not much. It’s supposed to rain later, so maybe once that moves on through, my head will get better.

Posted by Stace

Price Check

It seems like grocery prices just keep going up and up. I totally sound like my mother these days! I used to roll my eyes when she said things like “I remember when I could buy x in the store for y price”. Now, I always find myself thinking or even saying things like that out loud! And recently, Tim and I were talking about the price of gas, and especially how much it spiked after Hurricane Katrina back in 2005, and now, it’s more than double that. So, I thought for posterity’s sake, and because I love numbers, I would start trying to do a random posting of the price of items. Mostly because I think years from now, it will be easier to go back and see how much things cost!

So, for this week, here’s what I’m price checking:

Milk – last paid 3.78 a gallon for skim (at Kroger)

Gas – it was 3.44 on the sign at Kroger, and we usually use the regular 3 cent discount with card, or the 10 cent discount I amass for every $100 I spend in groceries

Eggs – 1.83 for one dozen large

Cream Cheese – regularly 1.69 a brick at Kroger, it was on sale a week ago for 1.00 each, so I stocked up. I remember when this stuff was like 79 cents a block 🙂

Ground Turkey – can’t remember how much I paid recently, and can’t find it on the sales receipt. But I try to buy the 97 or 99 perfect fat free ones from Honeysuckle brand from time to time

Ground Chuck – just bought a package of a little over 2 lbs, and it was 8.34. I don’t buy a lot of red meat, but I do buy some in the fall/winter for burgers for Tim

Greek Yogurt – Chobani brand at Sam’s, 32 oz container, 4.68 (it’s more at Kroger)

Bisquick – 5 lb big box at Sam’s, 4.94 (Tim loves biscuits and these are the easiest)

I’ll do more, and hope to remember to do this from time to time… I’ve actually gone back on my blog looking for prices of things. Oh, another biggie that we talk about it that when we were dating and first married, we would go to Sonic and get their brown bag special (2 burgers, fries/tots and drinks) and it was 5.99. Now, I think it’s 8.99 or something awful! Eating out, even at fast food places, is not cheap. I need to price check those too!

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Posted by Stace

Catching Up

Once again, I’m playing catch-up here at my blog. 🙂 I haven’t blogged in about 11 days, so a lot to chatter about. I won’t talk about today’s date, although it is the 11th anniversary of 9/11. I remember that day well. 🙁

Labor Day was good this year, but quieter than in years past. We had gone to Terry’s house the Sunday before Labor Day, to celebrate Zack’s 17th birthday. Good grief, I remember the day that boy was born! He’s just about all grown up now. We got him golf stuff and money, which of course is all Tim’s idea. Zack is as “eat up” with golf as his Uncle Tim is. Labor Day, Tim played golf all morning and barely got home in time to start the fantasy football draft at 1 PM. We did the draft (I’m never happy with my team, but oh well!), and then ran to Chick-Fil-A for sandwiches. After we ate, we took out the baby back ribs I had defrosted, and Tim got them ready for the smoker. They smoked for several hours and we had ribs for Labor Day. No extended family here as in years past, but that’s ok. It was kinda nice to have a day off just for us 🙂

The rest of the week flew by. Tim is still busy at work during the day but is not working late hours any longer. His foot seems to have healed enough for him to be back to playing golf most every day (he normally doesn’t play on Tuesdays and Fridays, and plays every other day). He played most of the week, and both days on the weekend. Saturday was cloudy and cooler. So nice to have good weather for a change! Tim played golf all morning, then we went to a late lunch at a new place, Signa’s Grille. Tim got the philly chicken and I got a shrimp po-boy and we split sweet potato fries. Portions are smaller than most other places (although I’m sure more in line with what we SHOULD be eating), and prices were a bit higher, but it was good.

Sunday was busy with church, cooking out burgers, and the first Saints game! They lost (BOO) to the Redskins, and both of us are always cranky after the Saints lose. So, Tim went to the golf course and I ran to Kroger for food, and then piddled around the house. We watched Sunday night football and some tv when he got in. And checked on our fantasy teams!

Sunday night was cool, I woke up Monday morning and it was 57 degrees! Tim slept in and Beau and I went out walking. My app I use for walking (DailyMile) said that I walked 17.69 miles last week, and I hope to walk that or more this week. It’s cooler this week, so I’m trying to get more in. Yesterday and today, I’ve walked nearly 9 miles. Of course, I’m eating cookies, homemade bread and ice cream, so I need to be doing a lot more than walking!

Oh, and yesterday I had another incident with bugs in the pantry. This time, I opened a package of Gold Medal bread flour and there were bugs in it. I had bought a bag of unbleached all purpose at the same time and both were unopened in the bottom shelf of the pantry, and both had bugs in them. I went through everything else in the pantry (most things are in Oxo or Tupperware containers) and couldn’t find bugs in anything else. Thank goodness. Tim was SO sweet and took them back to Kroger for me last night, after he got finished at the golf course. He exchanged them (they didn’t complain or ask to see a receipt or anything, I didn’t want to go because I thought they’d fuss or say I had them in my house!) for me. He brought home new bags of each flour and I opened them up … and, NO BUGS! I was so glad. One is now in a tupperware and the other in a ziploc bag. I hope that’s the end of that!

Posted by Stace

Football Season is Almost Here!

The Saints played their last preseason game last night. Our USM Golden Eagles open the season tomorrow at Nebraska. Our family fantasy football league has the draft on Monday. Yes, finally, football season is upon us!

I’m so glad, it’s definitely my favorite time of the year!

Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaac has come and gone. My dad wanted to come and stay, but Tim and I both felt that he was better off staying put, and not getting out on the roads, in the wet, rainy, windy conditions. He was mad at me for a couple of days, he thought he wasn’t welcome, and never thought that Tim and I just had his best interests at heart. Well, and I was being a bit selfish. Tim works from home and he’s been incredibly busy at work lately. The last couple of weeks, he’s been working 10, 11 and 12 hour days. He’s got a big project he’s working on and it’s just better for him for it to be quiet in the house (something it’s definitely NOT when my dad is here, he can’t hear and he talks loud and blares the tv at about 90% volume). Anyway, alls well that ends well. We had some rain, about 3 or 4 inches, a little wind, no damage, no tornadoes, no loss of electricity. Dad had more rain, 7-8 inches or so, but no damage, no power outages, etc. The sun is back out now and I was even able to take Beau for a walk this morning! We only missed one day due to the weather, so that was good.

Got a busy 3-day weekend ahead. Tim is planning on playing a lot of golf, we have a birthday party for Zack, football games, the draft, etc. Looking forward to it! I’ll get to be lazy some and read and watch movies while Tim is out playing golf. I’m grateful for some quiet time 🙂

Hope everyone is having a great day and will have a great Labor Day weekend!

Posted by Stace

Monday Recap

Another busy weekend! Saturday morning, Tim played golf. I refused to get up at 6:05 AM like he did, so I tossed and turned till I finally went back to sleep. Victory! He played till nearly lunch, then came home and cleaned up and we went to eat at his choice, Krilakis. He does love that place right now! Good thing I love Greek food 🙂 Their food is always delicious and we always enjoy it. We went to Marshalls, TJ Maxx (still hunting cookware, found 2 more pieces!), and then a trip to Sam’s. Saturday night we watched the Saints third preseason game. At least they won this one 🙂

Sunday, we met most of the family in Magee (Mark and Amanda were sick so none of them got to come), and celebrated a belated birthday for Linda. My dad came too. We visited a while and then headed home. I thought Tim would play golf, but he decided to stay home and rest, as he had to work Sunday night, for several hours. Sunday afternoon he watched golf, and then Sunday night we watched a movie I had recorded off a pay channel, Battle Los Angeles. Nothing like Marines fighting aliens 🙂

Monday brings new issues… tropical storm Isaac is in the gulf and headed our way. I made a trip to get gas (and wait in line, it was 3.53 on the pumps, but I had a 10cent discount from Kroger, so I paid 3.43), and then some groceries at Kroger. The store was as crowded on a Monday mid-morning as it normally is on the weekends, crazy. I don’t think we’ll get more than rain, but you never know. Right now, it’s supposed to hit around New Orleans on Wednesday, which is 7 years to the DAY that Hurricane Katrina struck. My dad is mulling over whether he will drive up and ride out the hurricane here, and I think he will. He’s 89 and just doesn’t want to get stuck down there with no power. I know the trip will be hard on him, just going out to eat in a restaurant wears him out.

More later as the storm takes shape. I hope we just get some rain and light wind and nothing more.

P.S. I don’t know if it’s weather related, but good golly, my tinnitus is horrible today. So loud and so very high pitched, it’s bugging the stew out of me. I’ve noticed before that I think it gets worse when the weather changes, maybe barometric pressure or something. Good grief. It’s going to be a long week if the storm doesn’t pass for days and my ears are like this the whole time 🙁

Posted by Stace

A Little of This…

and a little of that!

Today is Friday, and here’s a few bulleted things going on:

* Yesterday I went to the dentist. Glad to get that checkup over with for another 6 months! Up next is the *other* doctor, in the late fall. That’s the one I really dread!

* Yesterday was my mother-in-law’s birthday. We had to call several times to catch her, she’s a very popular and busy lady on her birthday 🙂 Beau did his singing/barking rendition to Happy Birthday on the phone, always a hit. We will get to see her Sunday after church, for a belated birthday lunch.

* Today I took Beau for a walk. Not back to daily, but better, that’s three times this week. Tim’s foot is better, since he played golf yesterday. Better enough for golf, not for walking in the subdivision with me and Beau, LOL!

* This morning, I let Beau out back and he saw a squirrel, I heard his bark. Yes, he has different barks for different things, and yes, I can tell them apart. Then I heard what sounded like the snake bark. Sure enough, he’s got a snake coiled up next to the fence, and I finally got him to back away, so the snake proceeded to slither into some shrubs nearby. I screamed (bloody murder, at the top of my lungs scream) for Tim, who came with a hoe. For a change, he actually killed this snake. Thank goodness! Usually, he says they are “good snakes” and leaves them alone.

* I’m knocking another item off my to-try list this morning. I’m going to try to make homemade flour tortillas. I hope they turn out!

Got a semi busy weekend ahead. Tim is back to playing golf, we have a Saints preseason game on TV, and then the family birthday lunch for Linda on Sunday. Then Tim has to work all Sunday night on a big project. Busy bee!

Posted by Stace

Monday. Again.

Mondays are apparently the only time that I think to blog! Well, that’s not true, but since I am back to blogging to mostly remember what is going on with us, and we mostly just stick close to home during the week and do “fun things” on the weekend, Monday is logically the time for me to do a catch-up type blog post. 🙂 There. That’s why!

Last week was another busy one for Tim. I went to get my hair cut on Wednesday, and then to run errands and grocery shop. That was it for me leaving the house during the week! Tim never set foot in the car until Saturday. He worked all day, every day, and several nights. He’s got a big project at work, and they’ve suddenly decided to hit him with a lot of other issues, so he’s stayed really busy. He works from home, but I’ve gone almost all day, every day and not seen him at all. He only ate lunch one day last week. He did eat supper, albeit late a few nights. I even planned burgers for him to grill out one night, but he was busy, so I bit the bullet and cooked them inside in a cast iron skillet. Owie, the mess from the grease! They were good burgers though (turkey ones!).

Anyway, that is good news, him being so busy, since his foot is still bothering him and he’s not playing golf. It’s about to kill him mentally, but he realizes his foot is not 100%, so he’s not going to play. So, I know it bothers him. Not enough to go to the doctor, but enough to keep him off the golf course 🙂

Friday night, we didn’t go out for date night, since the Saints were playing a preseason game and we could get it on TV. Tim finished work a few minutes before it started (poor thing), and we watched the Saints struggle and lose to the Jaguars. Sigh. I hope preseason is not a sign of things to come. 🙁

Saturday morning, we slept in a bit and then decided last minute to drive down and visit my dad for the day. We got there around lunch and visited a bit, then took him out to eat at the new-ish Cheddars there in Hattiesburg. We had tried to take him on our last visit (Father’s Day weekend), but the wait was over an hour, so we went to Logan’s instead. This time, the wait at Cheddars was about 25 minutes, so we stuck it out. Good food (I had salmon, broccoli and carrots, Dad had salmon, broccoli casserole and loaded potatoes and Tim had a sirlion/rib combo with a loaded potato). Some of us were obviously trying to eat healthier than others! LOL! We had planned to visit more after we took him home (I’d asked if he wanted to go anywhere else, but he didn’t… I think just going to a restaurant wears him out), but on the drive home, it was cloudy, dark and lightning. We had left Beau on a stake outside, so I was worried he was soaking wet. Thankfully, that smart puppy had the presence of mind to stay up under his deck, so he was mostly dry when we pulled up. Dad had asked for Tim to help with something on his truck, so after we did that, we headed out. It was pouring rain, and there was apparently a wreck on Hwy 49, for traffic came to a dead stop. Tim does NOT like to sit still, so we made a U-turn as soon as we could, ventured off and took back roads a while till we could get back on the highway. The back roads were slower, it was pouring rain, and we ran through two big places of standing water on the road, a good ole flash flood! Anyway, it took about 45-50 minutes longer to get home, and we were glad to make it home safely!

We had that big lunch at Cheddars, a bit late, so we weren’t overly hungry. Tim was good with eating leftovers, and I had a big bowl of cereal, and we settled in to watch the last Harry Potter movie. I am still missing the books and am now ready to watch the movies again. Tim, however, says that is not going to happen, that I’ll burn him out, and he doesn’t want any more of Harry, Ron and Hermione for a while. Sniff sniff. 🙁

Sunday was church, and then we came home and changed and headed over to my pick, Mr Chen’s for lunch. We ordered a bunch of good stuff, all dishes we have had before, and enjoyed every last bite. We got steamed buns, I ordered a veggie combo to share, Tim got sesame chicken and I got fish in black bean sauce. Deee-licious! Enough left for lunches for a couple of days too! I asked Tim if he wanted to go anywhere else (I had a couple of returns I could have made), but he didn’t want to walk much more on his foot. So we came home and had a mini movie-marathon. We watched some I’ve recorded on the DVR… The Core, then Hancock (both of which we’d seen), and then finally Real Steel.

All in all, another good weekend!

Posted by Stace

Catching Up

Last week was a fairly quiet one in our house. Tim is pretty busy with work, and his foot is still bothering him, so he is not playing any golf. The course was closed for a while last week, anyway, for “course beautification”, so he wasn’t able to play anyway. Hopefully, if he rests his foot a bit longer, it will feel better and he’ll be able to get back to walking, both with me and Beau in the mornings and on the golf course.

The Olympics ended yesterday. By the end of last week, I was pretty Olympics’d out! Luckily, we have plenty of other things to watch. Lots of sports, plus some shows we have stockpiled on the DVR. We went to see the new Bourne movie over the weekend, The Bourne Legacy (after a late lunch at Krilakis). Tim loved it, and I thought it was just ok. I don’t like Jeremy Renner a lot, and still think of Matt Damon as a requirement for a Bourne movie 🙂 Sunday was busy with church, a late breakfast at Corner Bakery (breakfast paninis for both of us, a deviation from my usual steel cut oats). We also ran to the auto parts store, so Tim could get oil and a filter to change the oil in the Explorer soon. We stopped by Bed, Bath and Beyond (with a coupon!) so I could get more steam mop covers for my Shark steam mop. And finally, we made a big trip to Sam’s. Avocados, Bisquick, chocolate chips, cocoa, bread, hamburger buns, butter, Chobani yogurt, Scrubbing Bubbles and other items on the list. I should have picked up more coffee for Tim, but forgot, so we’ll have to go back in a week or two.

Tim and I were sound asleep last night when his phone rang around 3:30 AM. Work calling. They had a problem and had broken something and so they had to call and wake Tim up to fix it. I do not know how he comes out of a deep sleep, answers the phone, jumps up and starts working on their problems for them in the middle of the night. I can hear them shooting rapid fire stuff at him, this doesn’t work, we did this, tried this, blah blah blah. Me, I can’t even get my eyes open and pronounce my own name, and Tim is jumping up and running to his computer, and then proceeds to spend nearly 2 hours fixing the problem they made. I’m so glad it’s him and not me! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Sports Stuff

We’re watching the second Saints preseason game tonight (in lieu of the Olympics, Tim tired of that quickly!). Wow, August 9 and we’ve already played 2 games. So weird to be so early. But, then again, the kids around here have already gone back to school at the first of this week. Seems like when I was in school, we didn’t go back until around Labor Day.

Anyway, today is a sporty kind of day. Tim recorded the first day of the PGA Championship (he is missing golf, he hasn’t been able to play this week, between his plantar fascitis and the fact that his club is closed for course beautification this week). I watched the USA women’s soccer team all afternoon, they played Japan for the gold medal and won! Go USA! The Saints game is on tonight. So lots of sports around here 🙂

Looking forward to another weekend! Gotta figure out food though 🙂

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Posted by Stace

The Weekend that Flew By

It seems like most of them do, but this weekend really flew by in the blink of an eye! My weekends are always a lot more fun and a lot more filled when Tim does not play golf. His plantar fascitis in his foot is still bothering him some, but mostly, I think my darling husband is just making a concerted effort to spend more time with me lately. Either way, I can’t complain, I love to be with him and do things together.

Friday night, we had date night at home. I made crockpot Chicken Santa Fe, which I normally make a lot during football season, but decided to start early this year. Tim thinks of them as nachos, since he eats his over chips with a lot of cheddar cheese on top. We watched a Harry Potter movie (Deathly Hallows part 1) and some of the Olympics. Team USA is still doing well!

Saturday, we ran a bunch of errands. We went downtown to pick up some motors for Terry and the new store (a fan in one of the coolers needs to be replaced), and we went to the Farmers Market. We also made stops at Marshalls and Academy Sports, before heading over to Tacqueria La Guadalupe for lunch. This time, we decided to eat in (they only have 4 booths and they were all filled, but we stood around and waited for one to open). We also decided to try their tortas for the first time. Delicious. Huge, homemade buns, sort of a Mexican burger. Tim got carne asada and all the toppings, including jalapeno. I got pollo (chicken), but without tomato and cilantro. They were delicious and so big that we each only eat half and brought the other half home to eat for supper. We stopped at the house for a bit and checked on Beau, then decided to go to a late afternoon showing of “Total Recall” at Malco. Better than I expected, and we both really enjoyed it!

Sunday was busy, we went over to Tim’s parents house for Emi’s birthday. We all ate and hung out, then went to the store for several hours to help out. They had a lot of stock to unload and put out, and Tim and Mark helped move a few heavy things. Terry replaced the motor we had brought, in one of his coolers, and we did what we could to help with arranging stock on the shelves and stuff. It had rained as soon as we got to his parents, hard, and rained for a while. Poor Beau was soaked to his bones but dried out some while we were at the store working, so he didn’t stink too bad (wet dog smell is the worst!) on the way home. We got home late, but had set the DVR for the first Saints preseason game. They played the Cardinals last night in the Hall of Fame game from Canton, and won!

Tim had to work late last night, and said he was going to stay up afterwards to watch the Mars Rover “Curiosity” land on Mars. I told him to wake me, and he came in to wake me up, but I was so sleepy that I passed on that opportunity! He watched it all on NASA tv and then told me all about it today, I was good with that 🙂

Back to the grind on a Monday, cleaning, laundry and trying to figure out what to cook all week! Just another day in paradise 😀

Posted by Stace

Olympics, Movies and Things

Another quick update…

Still enjoying the Olympics! Tim is watching some with me, and I’m watching a bit more during the day. I’m playing along on Viggle (on my iPad) and earning lots of points. Should be able to cash in a couple of $10 iTunes gift cards soon. We use iTunes money to rent movies through our Apple TV. We discontinued Netflix a while back, and have just been mostly watching tv shows and also recording movies on the DVR from the premium channels we get with our UVerse package. With the “free” iTunes movie from the Viggle points, we get free money for movie rentals. 🙂

Speaking of movies, we always go to a few movies at the theater in the summer. This year, so far we’ve seen The Avengers, The Amazing Spiderman and Dark Knight Rises (sensing a superhero theme?!). It’s still hard for me to go with my tinnitus (I look LOVELY in my yellow ear plugs), but it is a bit better than it has been the last two summers. I’ve also learned to sit as far away from the speakers as I can, in the middle, between the rows where the speakers line up! LOL! Anyway, Tim is also really looking forward to going to see the Total Recall remake and the new Bourne movie (Legacy, I think), soon. Hopefully this month.

The Saints play in the first preseason game this Sunday, the Hall of Fame game against the Cardinals! Football season cannot get here soon enough for me! Who Dat!

Terry got the Pineville store this past weekend. They opened on Saturday, and he’s been on vacation all week, at the store. Tim took a day of vacation today for us to go over and help out and see the store. On the way there, the warning system on the Explorer went off, saying “Check Charging System”. We stopped in Pearl at a gas station and Tim checked a few things, and decided it was probably the alternator. He decided to turn back and come home and go get parts (alternator and serpentine belt) and get it fixed. By the time he got it done, he decided it was too late to head over, so we stayed here. He’s gone to play golf and I’m catching up on stuff on the DVR.

And lastly, I finished the last Harry Potter book yesterday. Sniff sniff. I have been reading them pretty quickly the last couple of months, and I am quite sad to have them end. I’d gotten quite attached to Harry, Ron and Hermione. I will admit that the epilogue was wonderful, showing us what happened to the characters (although I knew from the movie). Very satisfying. All was well. 😀

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