Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Olympics, Movies and Things

Another quick update…

Still enjoying the Olympics! Tim is watching some with me, and I’m watching a bit more during the day. I’m playing along on Viggle (on my iPad) and earning lots of points. Should be able to cash in a couple of $10 iTunes gift cards soon. We use iTunes money to rent movies through our Apple TV. We discontinued Netflix a while back, and have just been mostly watching tv shows and also recording movies on the DVR from the premium channels we get with our UVerse package. With the “free” iTunes movie from the Viggle points, we get free money for movie rentals. 🙂

Speaking of movies, we always go to a few movies at the theater in the summer. This year, so far we’ve seen The Avengers, The Amazing Spiderman and Dark Knight Rises (sensing a superhero theme?!). It’s still hard for me to go with my tinnitus (I look LOVELY in my yellow ear plugs), but it is a bit better than it has been the last two summers. I’ve also learned to sit as far away from the speakers as I can, in the middle, between the rows where the speakers line up! LOL! Anyway, Tim is also really looking forward to going to see the Total Recall remake and the new Bourne movie (Legacy, I think), soon. Hopefully this month.

The Saints play in the first preseason game this Sunday, the Hall of Fame game against the Cardinals! Football season cannot get here soon enough for me! Who Dat!

Terry got the Pineville store this past weekend. They opened on Saturday, and he’s been on vacation all week, at the store. Tim took a day of vacation today for us to go over and help out and see the store. On the way there, the warning system on the Explorer went off, saying “Check Charging System”. We stopped in Pearl at a gas station and Tim checked a few things, and decided it was probably the alternator. He decided to turn back and come home and go get parts (alternator and serpentine belt) and get it fixed. By the time he got it done, he decided it was too late to head over, so we stayed here. He’s gone to play golf and I’m catching up on stuff on the DVR.

And lastly, I finished the last Harry Potter book yesterday. Sniff sniff. I have been reading them pretty quickly the last couple of months, and I am quite sad to have them end. I’d gotten quite attached to Harry, Ron and Hermione. I will admit that the epilogue was wonderful, showing us what happened to the characters (although I knew from the movie). Very satisfying. All was well. 😀

Posted by Stace

Monday, Monday

Another weekend has come and gone, and another Monday is here. This is going to be a fairly busy week and weekend coming up.

It’s hot – currently 97 with a heat index of 107 as I write this blog post. The flowers, plants, grass and shrubs all need water, but I’m to the point now where they can just wither and die, LOL!

We had another great weekend. Tim didn’t play golf on Friday, but we had an in-home date night. I made fish and chips (baked beer battered cod and oven fries) to celebrate the start of the Olympics. We watched a couple of shows on the DVR while the opening ceremonies queued up and then watched most of them (fast forwarding through the parade of nations, that sure takes a while). Saturday, Tim had originally planned to play in a golf tournament with Zack, but it ended up not working out, so he stayed home. I had thought he would go play golf at his club (Lake Caroline), but he kept procrastinating and just finally said, it’s so hot out there, I think I’ll just stay here! Very un-Tim like 🙂 We watched more tv, more Olympics, he watched some stuff On-Demand while I did chores (laundry, washing fruit and lettuce, making brownies, cooking, etc) and while I read on my last Harry Potter e-book.

We went to a Hammons family get-together after church on Sunday, at Tim’s Aunt Annie Merle’s house and got to see that side of the family. It’s always fun, fewer people than his mom’s side, and we don’t see them as often. I took brownies and we only came home with a couple, always good for me 🙂 We stopped at Marshall’s on the way home, and picked up a couple of shirts for Tim. We were pretty late getting back, so he again decided not to go play golf. We watched more Olympics and decided to go pick up Mexican food at Tacqueria la Guadalupe again. Tim tried the grande burrito this time and I still got tacos. He also tried the spicy queso, which wasn’t too much spicier than the mild, so maybe they misunderstood and gave us mild! We got another order of churros, my new favorite thing 🙂

Another fun weekend in the bag!

Posted by Stace

Olympic Fever!

I’m getting excited for the Olympics! Opening ceremony is tonight, then the competitions begin. It helps that I watch The Today Show most every morning, and their crew has been there this week, getting ready and reporting on the venues, the athletes, etc. I know a lot more names to root for now in several sports 🙂

I looked back through my blog and realize that this is my fourth Olympics to blog about: 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino, 2008 Summer Games in Beijing, and 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Wow, I’ve been blogging a long time 😀

I think I like the Olympics a lot more than Tim (Saints training camp started this week, and I think he’s a lot more excited about that, LOL!) He doesn’t really get into them, although he is VERY patriotic and does root for Team USA if I have it on. I always hope that I can get him interested, and I think my enthusiasm for the games slowly fizzles, as I realize he just doesn’t want to watch as much of it as I do. Thank goodness we have 2 DVR’s this time around, I think I’ll get to watch a lot more than I have in the past!

So, are you watching the Olympics? Do you have a favorite sport you watch, or favorite athlete you are rooting for?

Posted by Stace


I haven’t been blogging for the last week or so. I’d like to convince you it’s because I’m so busy watching the Olympics (which we are, sort of!), but mostly it’s because I haven’t been able to think of a whole lot to blog about. It definitely comes and goes, ideas for blog posts 🙂

So, have you been watching the Olympics? If so, which sport or athlete has been your favorite?

We’ve really been enjoying the speed skating, a lot of the skiing, and the snowboarding (love the snowboard cross).