Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Catching Up

Last week was a fairly quiet one in our house. Tim is pretty busy with work, and his foot is still bothering him, so he is not playing any golf. The course was closed for a while last week, anyway, for “course beautification”, so he wasn’t able to play anyway. Hopefully, if he rests his foot a bit longer, it will feel better and he’ll be able to get back to walking, both with me and Beau in the mornings and on the golf course.

The Olympics ended yesterday. By the end of last week, I was pretty Olympics’d out! Luckily, we have plenty of other things to watch. Lots of sports, plus some shows we have stockpiled on the DVR. We went to see the new Bourne movie over the weekend, The Bourne Legacy (after a late lunch at Krilakis). Tim loved it, and I thought it was just ok. I don’t like Jeremy Renner a lot, and still think of Matt Damon as a requirement for a Bourne movie 🙂 Sunday was busy with church, a late breakfast at Corner Bakery (breakfast paninis for both of us, a deviation from my usual steel cut oats). We also ran to the auto parts store, so Tim could get oil and a filter to change the oil in the Explorer soon. We stopped by Bed, Bath and Beyond (with a coupon!) so I could get more steam mop covers for my Shark steam mop. And finally, we made a big trip to Sam’s. Avocados, Bisquick, chocolate chips, cocoa, bread, hamburger buns, butter, Chobani yogurt, Scrubbing Bubbles and other items on the list. I should have picked up more coffee for Tim, but forgot, so we’ll have to go back in a week or two.

Tim and I were sound asleep last night when his phone rang around 3:30 AM. Work calling. They had a problem and had broken something and so they had to call and wake Tim up to fix it. I do not know how he comes out of a deep sleep, answers the phone, jumps up and starts working on their problems for them in the middle of the night. I can hear them shooting rapid fire stuff at him, this doesn’t work, we did this, tried this, blah blah blah. Me, I can’t even get my eyes open and pronounce my own name, and Tim is jumping up and running to his computer, and then proceeds to spend nearly 2 hours fixing the problem they made. I’m so glad it’s him and not me! 🙂