Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings

Catching up on memes… I know most of you don’t like these, but I do! 🙂 And after all, it’s my blog!!!


I say … and you think … ?

Great escape:: Steve McQueen movie
Cluster:: peanut clusters
Wrong place, wrong time:: saying
Guided:: missile
Forensics:: CSI
Pros:: cons
Safety deposit box:: bank
Quadrant:: math
Precisely:: exactly
Who are you?:: me!

Posted by Stace

Sunday Brunch Meme – A Day Late

Sunday Brunch

Oops, missed this one again. When I looked today and saw the topic, I knew I had to do it! Food in general is a huge thing in my life, and breakfast food in particular! 🙂

“Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast.” -Oscar Wilde

1) Do you eat breakfast on a regular basis and why or why not? Absolutely. Every day. I absolutely cannot function without breakfast. I also take most of my meds in the morning and need to wash them down with juice or milk

2) What is your typical everyday breakfast? Most days, I have cereal. I keep 3-4 kinds of cereal on hand here for me to eat! 🙂 I like a little variety! If I’m headed out early, I grab some fruit, a granola bar or even a pop-tart if I’m desperate. I try to eat oatmeal, since it’s better for me, but I do a lot better with that in the winter than the summer. Something about hot cereal on a hot summer morning that doesn’t work for me! 😀

3) How do you eat your eggs? If I cook them, I usually scramble them because it’s easier. If Tim cooks them (he cooks eggs better than I do), then he usually does them over easy. If we eat out, I get them over easy.

4) What is your favorite restaurant to eat breakfast out at? I’ll eat breakfast anywhere – Perkins (well, we don’t have one of those anymore), Shoney’s, Waffle House, any pancake house, etc. We actually don’t usually eat breakfast out unless we’re on vacation, and then it’s usually a local place.

5) Describe your perfect breakfast in detail. Anything and everything. Two eggs, over easy, bacon, sausage, toast, grits, waffles or pancakes with blueberry syrup.

As a side note – last year on my birthday, Tim took me to Gatlinburg and for my birthday meal, I wanted to eat out a big breakfast. We went to a little pancake place on the parkway and it was great! He cooked me out a big ribeye at our cabin for supper, but the breakfast was what I really wanted! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Sunday night

Nothing much going on. Tim and I went to Home Depot and Walmart this afternoon. I had to pick up a few groceries, shampoo, etc, and we also looked at trees. We ended up buying a red maple at Walmart, along with some topsoil, organic matter and weed and feed fertilizer. Tim wants to try to plant the tree tomorrow night, and I hope we get to it. It’s about 7 feet tall, he said, but it looks SOOOO tiny out back near the Bradford Pear that I planted 11 years ago. The red maple we had back there, that had to be cut down last year, was so big and so gorgeous, especially in the fall. I hope this new one grows really fast!

We watched an old movie tonight on TCM, The Caine Mutiny. I had not seen this movie in years, but remembered it being good. I think Tim enjoyed it, and I enjoyed seeing it again. Good plot, and Humphrey Bogart to boot. 🙂

Posted by Stace


Well, Tim went back on-call two days ago, on Friday. I was worried about us going to his parents house for the day yesterday, in case he got called out. They only have dial-up, so trying to work from there is not really feasible. He really must be on a high speed connection to be able to work. He didn’t seem worried about it (which is typical Tim, I do all the worrying, I’m much better at it!!), so we decided to not even take the laptop.

Tim is not a believer in what I call my “women’s intuition”. This time, it was about 24 hours off track. He got called out this morning. He just finished, after about 2 hours on the conference call. It wasn’t really their problem, which is typical, but he figured it out and got the networking group to fix it. Poor Tim.

I woke up very congested this morning. I guess I have some kind of seasonal allergy thing that is aggravated by being outdoors in the beautiful sunshine, around trees, shrubs, etc. Or else it’s just plain old fashioned sinus. Whatever. 😀

Better run, we have to figure out what else we’ll do the rest of the afternoon. Provided they don’t call back! Have a great day, everyone.

P.S. I just changed my avatar on Hambones to an Atlanta Braves symbol, and also changed my blinkie in my signature to one for the Braves. The M-Braves play their first home game at the new stadium tomorrow. I am pretty sure that game is sold out. We’ll go soon, probably in May sometime. The rest of April is pretty booked. We picked up 2 t-shirts yesterday at the Brandon Walmart that say Braves Baseball. Very cool! 🙂

Posted by Stace


We went to Tim’s parents house today to check on the chickens and do some fishing. Tim checked on them three times, and worked on a feeder in the number 2 house. We also went down to the pond, got a fair amount of sun, but didn’t have the first nibble on any of our bait! We tried chicken livers for the catfish, and crickets and worms for the bream, and Tim even tried bass fishing with some artificial bait. Nothing. Nada. Nary a nibble. Oh well, it was fun! On the way out, we met Mitchell, Linda, Terry and the kids on their way back from the exhibit. They said it was really good and they had a good time! We headed home, stopping at Papa Johns for a pizza. We’ve been watching “The Fugitive” on TV for the last couple of hours, but I think we’re going to turn in soon. Something about the sun really wears you out!

Oh, I took some scenic type shots on the way over there, of cows and barns and clouds and things! If you’re interested in those kinds of things, click the -More- link to check them out! 🙂

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Posted by Stace

Headed Out

Well, we’re headed out in a little bit, to go to Tim’s parents house. Linda, Mitchell, Terry and the kids left early this morning to go to the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit in Mobile. They have really large chickens, so they wanted to be sure they were ok all day while they were gone, so Tim volunteered for us to go over and check the chickens. He’s really excited about going fishing too. Woo-hoo! I think we’re going to stop for BAIT on the way too, wooo-hooo! :mrgreen:

Back late today… I hope we get back in time to watch a movie tonight… I’m pulling for a big bowl of popcorn to go with it!

Posted by Stace

50 Things Dare/Meme

Found this mentioned on Dawn’s blog , who got it from Andie’s blog 🙂 Thought I would play along!

And yes, it’s long, so I was gracious enough not to load it all on my the exceedingly mundane main page… just click the -More- link to read it all, in excruciating detail 😀

1. Your name spelled backwards.

2. Where were your parents born?
let’s see… I think Mom was in Bogue Chitto and Dad in D’Lo (oh my, those definitely sound as Southern and rural as they are!)

3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
iTunes free song of the week… waiting on the MP3’s from surrendered and untamed (hint hint Jeremy :))

4. What’s your favorite restaurant?
oh my, too difficult. For Japanese, Little Tokyo. For Chinese, King Buffet 🙂 For Italian, Panino’s. For catfish, Cock of the Walk. Get the picture, I have tons!

5. Last time you swam in a pool?
two summers ago, on the summer vacation we took with Terry & the kids to Hot Springs

6. Have you ever been in a school play?
Well…. I don’t remember. I might have been, but probably would have gotten out of it if humanly possible. Terrified to speak in front of people

7. How many kids do you want?
I wanted 4-6. Alas, we will have none

8. Type of music you dislike most?

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast

Appetizer – What was your first “real” job? Well, if you don’t count the receptionist work I did at a photography studio when I was 12 or 13, then it would be working in the deli at Primos. I did that through high school and part of college. I also worked the main restaurant (hostess mostly, a little bit of waiting tables), and worked the kitchen for conventions and conferences in the convention center.

Soup – Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity? The moutains. I LOVE the mountains. Rivers, streams, waterfalls are an added bonus. So peaceful and tranquil.

Salad – Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when… I am acting like Stacy. Stacy opens her mouth and says whatever comes to mind, and then has to try to undo what she blurted out. Or at the very least, take her foot out of her mouth. Stacy is clumsy and often falls and trips and does incredibly lame clumsy things. Stacy is a dork!

Main Course – What values did your parents instill in you? A hard work ethic, a good sense of money management, the importance of a good education, and an overall sense of politeness and courteousness

Dessert – Name 3 fads from your teenage years. Geesh. Here we go again. I can’t remember my childhood. I can’t remember my teenage years. I can’t remember high school. I can’t remember college. I barely remember what happened before I met Tim. Why am I always getting these questions?! 🙂 OK, I cheated and looked at some other answers… how about – from the 80’s, I do remember “Valley-speak”, big hair, certain kinds of music. I don’t remember a lot about the clothes because I didn’t usually have the money to have anything that was in style, so I didn’t have all the latest fads and fashions. I do remember the preppy phase, with its pinks and greens. Funny how they are back in fashion now and I’m wearing pink and green this spring and summer! 😀

Posted by Stace

Friday Fun Meme

From a new site, I think. I can’t remember having done one from here before, but I like the topic: reading fiction books, which is pretty much all I do read! Got it here

1. What is your favorite genre of fiction? Well, I guess it would be what I call in general women’s fiction – not really romance (although it may have some romance in it), with a bit of mystery or intrigue, although not gory and not over the top. Always with some relationship-related dialogue 😀

2. What are you reading right now? Four to Score, by Janet Evanovich. Just bought “True Believer” by Nicholas Sparks today

3. Who is your favorite fiction author? Why? I have several – Rosamunde Pilcher, but she is not prolific by any means, Barbara Delinsky, Maeve Binchy, Janet Evanovich, John Grisham, Nicholas Sparks, Sophie Kinsella

4. Give us your top 5 fiction novels. In no particular order: September by Rosamunde Pilcher, The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, any of the Stephanie Plum books I’ve been reading lately, by Janet Evanovich, The Shell Seekers by Rosamund Pilcher, either Coast Road or Three Wishes by Barbara Delinsky

Posted by Stace

Gee, I’m Behind!

Gee, I just realized I had a few things running around in my head to blog about, and of course, me being me, now that I finally sit down at the computer, most of them have vanished from my memory banks! 🙂

So far, so good today. I took Gail to the airport for her flight to Houston to see Trent, Shanna and the kids. As soon as I dropped her off, I headed to run a couple of errands. She called a few minutes later and said her flight was delayed. I really wanted to go back and get her and then we could go eat lunch somewhere, but she didn’t seem to want to leave the airport, which is probably the correct course of action. Turns out her flight was about 1 1/2 hours late. I just checked online and it shows it landing, so I hope she got there safely!

I ran to Bed, Bath and Beyond and got a towel with my coupon. Yes, one towel. I am a total and complete frugal freak. I’m buying a few sets of towels, one piece at a time, with coupons. Now, if they would just put more in the paper or mail me more, I could be through soon! I also looked at their selection of Yankee Candles. I had seen online that they had some new scents (read about it here) and had hoped they would have them in stock so I could smell them. Alas, they only had the Granny Smith one, not the two cherry ones I was interested in. Darn, I’ll have to work in a trip to the Yankee Candle store in Northpark. Anyway (click the -More- link to read more)….

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OK, I’ve seen this done a lot at some of my scrapbooking message boards, and I just saw the same online game being played out at a blog I visit.

Here’s how to play: I’ll start us off by listing the name of an actor or actress. The next person posts a movie that the actor played in. The next person posts a different actor from that movie. And on and on, alternating actors and movies, with one degree of separation for each. Just post your answer (actor or movie) in a comment. Make sense?

I’ll get us started – First Actor: Brad Pitt

Ready, Set, Go! 😀

Posted by Stace

Birds, Squirrel and a Photo Op

Photo of the Day:
I'm Looking At You!

If any of you have been reading closely on my blog lately, you might have noticed me lamenting the fact that my new bird feeder does not seem to be attracting any birds! Go figure – I had an el-cheapo 4 dollar plastic one from Walmart that they would empty in a day. We had all kinds of birds, tons of cardinals, bluebirds, sparrows, finches and probably a lot of other birds that I have no idea what they are. So, since we’re enjoying watching them eat from the bird feeder constantly, I decided that we ought to splurge and buy a really nice bird feeder. Which we did (pic Here), but the bigger birds like the cardinals won’t come near it. I don’t know if they haven’t gotten used to it, or they are just too big for it. The perches on this feeder are smaller.

Anyway, it’s been almost a week now since we hung the bird feeder. I watch quite a bit to see if any birds larger than a sparrow or finch are on it, which they haven’t been. Then, today, a squirrel decided to spend the better part of 2 hours hanging out near the bird feeder.

Now, granted – Gail had told me to be sure to get a squirrel proof feeder, which we did. He didn’t really seem interested in getting on the feeder. Noooo, he was interested in all the stuff on the ground below the feeder. He spent a lot of time jumping from the deck railing to the ground under the feeder and shepherd’s hook. He rooted around for a bite, then would jump back to the deck railing to eat it. One time, he did get brave and jump from the deck railing to the side of the shepherd’s hook, then he scurried to the top. But, he seemed to realize he was on shaky ground, and he didn’t even try to jump down to the bird feeder.

Needless to say, one time, he must have sensed I was inside the den taking pictures of him through the window. For, he jumped up on the window sill and looked in at me. For some odd reason, I had my camera there, and ready, and so I snapped the picture above. I do believe it’s quite a good picture! Except that it would have been clearer if that window didn’t have a screen on it, but I think you get the general idea! I thought it was great, of course, but that’ s just me. It doesn’t take a lot to make me happy!

If you want to see a couple more pics I took of the squirrel, click the -more- link. 🙂

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Posted by Stace

A Day Late, and a Dollar Short

Well, I should have blogged yesterday about my day. I’ve been pretty good so far about adhering to my goal – which is to try to blog something every day, unless we are out of town and away from a computer. I set this goal when I first started this blog, because I know myself all too well – if I start skipping a day here and a day there, then pretty soon it will get to the point where I am not blogging at all. That’s the way I always was growing up with keeping a diary. That’s the way I am now with exercising. As soon as I start slipping, it gets way too easy to just stop it altogether!

Anyway, I am blogging something every day, even if it’s just a little tidbit, or a link, or a story, or a meme. So I am meeting my goal! 🙂

Yesterday was a normal, quiet day….

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Posted by Stace

Oh my, I’m in trouble now

I just checked out the Yankee Candle website and they list these on the home page as some of their new scents:

Granny Smith
Cherry Lemonade
Juicy Cherry

Now, granted, I would want to go smell them, but both of those cherry ones sound great to me! I think I sense a new candle in my future 😀

Go check them out for yourself here

If you dare!

Posted by Stace

Chick Chat

From this site…

Questions For April 12th
Livin’ On The Edge!

1. Do You Wear Your Seatbelt In The Car?: Yes, always. Ever since high school.
2. Got Any Tattoo’s?: Nope
3. Done Anything Illegal?: not really. I speed occasionally, but I still usually get passed by other people breaking the law more than I am doing! 🙂
4. Had Sex In A Public Place?: No way, Jose
5. Stay Up Past Midnight On A Regular Basis?: Well, we have turned into night owls and regularly stay up till 11-12 most nights. I have to have my sleep though! 😀

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