Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast

Appetizer – What was your first “real” job? Well, if you don’t count the receptionist work I did at a photography studio when I was 12 or 13, then it would be working in the deli at Primos. I did that through high school and part of college. I also worked the main restaurant (hostess mostly, a little bit of waiting tables), and worked the kitchen for conventions and conferences in the convention center.

Soup – Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity? The moutains. I LOVE the mountains. Rivers, streams, waterfalls are an added bonus. So peaceful and tranquil.

Salad – Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when… I am acting like Stacy. Stacy opens her mouth and says whatever comes to mind, and then has to try to undo what she blurted out. Or at the very least, take her foot out of her mouth. Stacy is clumsy and often falls and trips and does incredibly lame clumsy things. Stacy is a dork!

Main Course – What values did your parents instill in you? A hard work ethic, a good sense of money management, the importance of a good education, and an overall sense of politeness and courteousness

Dessert – Name 3 fads from your teenage years. Geesh. Here we go again. I can’t remember my childhood. I can’t remember my teenage years. I can’t remember high school. I can’t remember college. I barely remember what happened before I met Tim. Why am I always getting these questions?! 🙂 OK, I cheated and looked at some other answers… how about – from the 80’s, I do remember “Valley-speak”, big hair, certain kinds of music. I don’t remember a lot about the clothes because I didn’t usually have the money to have anything that was in style, so I didn’t have all the latest fads and fashions. I do remember the preppy phase, with its pinks and greens. Funny how they are back in fashion now and I’m wearing pink and green this spring and summer! 😀


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