Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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OK, I’ve seen this done a lot at some of my scrapbooking message boards, and I just saw the same online game being played out at a blog I visit.

Here’s how to play: I’ll start us off by listing the name of an actor or actress. The next person posts a movie that the actor played in. The next person posts a different actor from that movie. And on and on, alternating actors and movies, with one degree of separation for each. Just post your answer (actor or movie) in a comment. Make sense?

I’ll get us started – First Actor: Brad Pitt

Ready, Set, Go! 😀

  1. missy s Said,

    ocean’s 11

    (i did the right thing right?)

  2. Amanda Said,

    Julia Roberts

  3. Wendy Said,

    Runaway Bride

  4. Stacy Said,

    Richard Gere

  5. Gail Said,


  6. Stacy Said,

    Catherine Zeta-Jones

  7. missy s Said,


  8. Gail Said,

    Sean Connery

  9. Amanda Said,

    The Rock

  10. Gail Said,

    Nicholas Cage

  11. Stacy Said,


  12. Amanda Said,

    John Travolta

  13. Kurt Said,

    Pulp Fiction

  14. Stacy Said,

    OK, I never saw Pulp Fiction, but I looked it up in IMDB and it says Samuel L Jackson was in it…. so

    Samuel L Jackson

  15. Tim Said,

    Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (Stacy will like this one.)

  16. Stacy Said,

    Tim, you betcha sweet patootie I did! 😀

    Ewan McGregor

  17. Amanda Said,

    I had to look this one up too! He’s a really new actor.


  18. Stacy Said,

    Wow, I thought for sure someone would pick Moulin Rouge for Ewan McGregor! But, what do I know?!! 🙂 I had to look up Robots, and the first name was…

    Halle Berry

  19. Gail Said,

    Monster’s Ball
    I had to ask Shanna for one she was in! She gave me two and we picked this one because she thought it had more big actors in it…..I’m not familiar with it!

  20. Stacy Said,

    Billy Bob Thornton

  21. Gail Said,


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