Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Sunday Brunch Meme – A Day Late

Sunday Brunch

Oops, missed this one again. When I looked today and saw the topic, I knew I had to do it! Food in general is a huge thing in my life, and breakfast food in particular! 🙂

“Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast.” -Oscar Wilde

1) Do you eat breakfast on a regular basis and why or why not? Absolutely. Every day. I absolutely cannot function without breakfast. I also take most of my meds in the morning and need to wash them down with juice or milk

2) What is your typical everyday breakfast? Most days, I have cereal. I keep 3-4 kinds of cereal on hand here for me to eat! 🙂 I like a little variety! If I’m headed out early, I grab some fruit, a granola bar or even a pop-tart if I’m desperate. I try to eat oatmeal, since it’s better for me, but I do a lot better with that in the winter than the summer. Something about hot cereal on a hot summer morning that doesn’t work for me! 😀

3) How do you eat your eggs? If I cook them, I usually scramble them because it’s easier. If Tim cooks them (he cooks eggs better than I do), then he usually does them over easy. If we eat out, I get them over easy.

4) What is your favorite restaurant to eat breakfast out at? I’ll eat breakfast anywhere – Perkins (well, we don’t have one of those anymore), Shoney’s, Waffle House, any pancake house, etc. We actually don’t usually eat breakfast out unless we’re on vacation, and then it’s usually a local place.

5) Describe your perfect breakfast in detail. Anything and everything. Two eggs, over easy, bacon, sausage, toast, grits, waffles or pancakes with blueberry syrup.

As a side note – last year on my birthday, Tim took me to Gatlinburg and for my birthday meal, I wanted to eat out a big breakfast. We went to a little pancake place on the parkway and it was great! He cooked me out a big ribeye at our cabin for supper, but the breakfast was what I really wanted! 🙂


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