Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

A Day Late, and a Dollar Short

Well, I should have blogged yesterday about my day. I’ve been pretty good so far about adhering to my goal – which is to try to blog something every day, unless we are out of town and away from a computer. I set this goal when I first started this blog, because I know myself all too well – if I start skipping a day here and a day there, then pretty soon it will get to the point where I am not blogging at all. That’s the way I always was growing up with keeping a diary. That’s the way I am now with exercising. As soon as I start slipping, it gets way too easy to just stop it altogether!

Anyway, I am blogging something every day, even if it’s just a little tidbit, or a link, or a story, or a meme. So I am meeting my goal! 🙂

Yesterday was a normal, quiet day….

I got a lot of things done that I wanted to do, which always makes a good day for me. Tim got off work a little early, and went out to Harbor Freight to look for a special router bit he was wanting. Now, I’m definitely an “I told you so” kind of person, so let me interject now that I told him he wouldn’t be able to find that at Harbor Freight. Ick, I detest that store. I’m so grateful that I didn’t have to tag along! Anyway, he had been the day before to Home Depot and they didn’t have this bit, so I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to find it at Harbor Freight. He did, however, find one he wanted at Lowe’s this past weekend, so he swung by there and got it. He’s been driving my car this week (at my urging, aka nagging, poor Tim 🙂 ) since it gets much better gas mileage. I suggested that he try to stop at the Exxon on Lakeland at Airport Road – when we were out there this past weekend (three days in a row, Fri-Sat-Sun), the gas there was still 2.13 a gallon. Which sounds so incredibly high, but it’s a lot lower than it is up here. And it was still 2.13, thankfully, so he filled up the car. Which is good, since we will be taking it to his parents this weekend and we’ll run half the tank out.

Anyhoo…. after he got home, we went walking and were late getting back. Lost had already started, but it was a rerun and so we didn’t miss anything. I had dinner almost completely done – just had to cook the fish. We had baja fish tacos with creamy chipotle sauce, a sour cream slaw, and black bean and corn salad. After dinner, we watched Alias and then Eyes. We taped the American Idol results show, but I was pretty tired and didn’t feel like watching it.

Tim stayed busy last night, working on stuff on Hambones. I did some stuff on the computer, and then read some in my new book “Four to Score”. All in all, a good day 😀

We’re off to an even better start today – we finally got up early (6 AM) and went walking before Tim left for work. We’re going to try to start back on some two-a-days. So, I imagine we’ll go walking again tonight. Maybe that will help – we’re still eating pretty well and walking in the afternoons, but I have not lost a single pound. It’s quite frustrating! 🙄

  1. missy s Said,

    i feel the same way..some times i think ‘who cares miss’…but oh well i am doing it anyway!

  2. Stacy Said,

    Hi Missy! Glad to see you stopping by… are you enjoying your new ipod, or WHAT?! 🙂

    Yup, that’s the nature of my blog, very mundane boring details about our life, but hey, it’s my blog and that’s what I like, so that’s what I do! 🙂

    Oh, and you did absolutely right on the movie/actor game, thanks for playing! Have a great day,

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