Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Gee, I’m Behind!

Gee, I just realized I had a few things running around in my head to blog about, and of course, me being me, now that I finally sit down at the computer, most of them have vanished from my memory banks! 🙂

So far, so good today. I took Gail to the airport for her flight to Houston to see Trent, Shanna and the kids. As soon as I dropped her off, I headed to run a couple of errands. She called a few minutes later and said her flight was delayed. I really wanted to go back and get her and then we could go eat lunch somewhere, but she didn’t seem to want to leave the airport, which is probably the correct course of action. Turns out her flight was about 1 1/2 hours late. I just checked online and it shows it landing, so I hope she got there safely!

I ran to Bed, Bath and Beyond and got a towel with my coupon. Yes, one towel. I am a total and complete frugal freak. I’m buying a few sets of towels, one piece at a time, with coupons. Now, if they would just put more in the paper or mail me more, I could be through soon! I also looked at their selection of Yankee Candles. I had seen online that they had some new scents (read about it here) and had hoped they would have them in stock so I could smell them. Alas, they only had the Granny Smith one, not the two cherry ones I was interested in. Darn, I’ll have to work in a trip to the Yankee Candle store in Northpark. Anyway (click the -More- link to read more)….

After I left BB&B, I ran to Sam’s. Picked up some odds and ends. For any of you that like exceedingly mundane detail, I got: a huge container of green grapes, salsa, marinated mushrooms, frozen mahi mahi, some nutty buddy bars for Tim, two tagless t-shirts for me (one pink, one lime green) and the new Nicholas Sparks book “True Believer”. I think I will read that one next! And then I’m going to loan it to Gail. She borrowed my copy of “The Wedding” by Nicholas Sparks to take and read on the plane with her. I hope she likes it as much as I did! You can read my review of it here

I have decided that I must be allergic to either sunshine or whatever pollen is still floating around. After I got out of the car at the airport to see Gail off, I started sneezing. I sneezed my way through BB&B and then Sam’s. I had 3 very nice people tell me “Bless You” in Sam’s, which really warmed my heart. I always try to tell that to perfect strangers if I hear them sneeze, but rarely have the favor returned in kind. It makes me all warm and fuzzy to have someone say that back to me! 🙂 Anyway, here I am, a couple of hours later and I’m still sniffling, sneezing and coughing. 😈

Alright, off to catch up on a meme or two. Later gator :mrgreen:


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