Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


We went to Tim’s parents house today to check on the chickens and do some fishing. Tim checked on them three times, and worked on a feeder in the number 2 house. We also went down to the pond, got a fair amount of sun, but didn’t have the first nibble on any of our bait! We tried chicken livers for the catfish, and crickets and worms for the bream, and Tim even tried bass fishing with some artificial bait. Nothing. Nada. Nary a nibble. Oh well, it was fun! On the way out, we met Mitchell, Linda, Terry and the kids on their way back from the exhibit. They said it was really good and they had a good time! We headed home, stopping at Papa Johns for a pizza. We’ve been watching “The Fugitive” on TV for the last couple of hours, but I think we’re going to turn in soon. Something about the sun really wears you out!

Oh, I took some scenic type shots on the way over there, of cows and barns and clouds and things! If you’re interested in those kinds of things, click the -More- link to check them out! 🙂

Some cows eating and playing in a pretty field on the Morton-Marathon road. We take this road every time we go to Tim’s family, and I’ve never taken a single picture of anything along the way. Until today!


An old barn down from the church:
Barn #1

And a look inside, at the old hay rake – Tim said this is the kind they used to pull behind cows or a mule to rake hay in the field:

Barn #2

I had Tim stop so that we could take a picture of their family’s church, Clear Springs Baptist, and there were these cool clouds right above the steeple:


One of Buddy – he’s getting really big! But, he is still a puppy. We made the mistake of leaving shoes on the porch before we left to go fishing, and when we came back, they were scattered all over the yard! Not chewed up though, thankfully!


And one down at Mitchell’s pond:



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