Well, mostly I’ve just done some meme’s today, or “thought provoking questions found in one blog, and answers posted in another, to promote the blogosphere”. Or whatever! I haven’t really posted much personal lately, because things have been fairly quiet, and life is trudging along quite smoothly. Just not exciting, nothing “noteworthy” to blog about.
So, since this blog is mundane, here’s another mundane thing.
I had the hiccups earlier. Which is not unusual for me, I get them a lot. I have this peculiar habit of always getting the hiccups in groups of three; I get them about 3 times in a 24 hour time span, usually, and then I will go weeks before I get them again. This is unlike Tim – whom I swear I can’t remember him ever getting the hiccups. For me – when I get them, I have to have peanut butter. It’s the only thing that works for me.
Although, I got them when we went geocaching a few weekends ago, and Tim tried twice to scare them out of me – the second time, he caught me off-guard and scared the bejeebers out of me, and I had had the hiccups for probably 20 minutes, and he was able to “scare them out of me”. He was very proud of himself!!!!!!
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