Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Well, Thursday is traditionally a day that I find a lot of “memes” I like to do. So, buckle up, here we go!

Thursday Threesome
Up first: Thursday Threesome Meme from This site:

::Bluebonnet Days::

Onesome: Blue…Blue birds singing…what kind of birds say “Spring” to you? hummingbirds! I would tend to say birds in general, but this past winter, I tried to keep my regular bird feeder filled more, and so we had birds off and on through the winter. So, really, hummingbirds say it to me!

Twosome: …bonnet– …what causes get a real “bee” in your bonnet Oh my, I am a Libra and I have a thing about injustice. Also, I have all of my silly little pet peeves, many of which I have blogged about before. I have a serious issue of not wanting people to get in my “space”, like in the grocery or other stores, where people are on top of me, crowding me with their buggy, or coming up and they are so close behind me, I can about feel them breathing down the back of my neck. ACK! Things like that. I also have my pet peeves about bad drivers; I hate people that pull out and force me to slam on brakes and both Tim and I have serious problems with people who block intersections at a red light. These are just little pet peeves though – as Tim would say, I get upset quick and I get over it quick – so even if I do get a “bee in my bonnet”, I usually bounce back fairly quickly!

Threesome: days– …and what do Spring Days bring and mean to you? Well, when I had Sally, I always loved getting out on the deck and hanging out with her, either on the glider or the steps. Now, although I like the weather and like seeing the grass, trees and flowers blooming, the cynic in me is slowly starting to dread “having” to plant flowers in the yard. It’s something I used to love to do, but since we lost Sally, I have gotten to where I hate to get out and plant flowers in the spring and fall. Also, in the spring, I have serious issues with sticking my hands in our flower beds. That terrible snake-a-phobia I have. Anyway, in summary – spring days mean things starting to green up and bloom, and me needing to get out and plant flowers!


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