Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Wet and Stormy

Well, the big news around this part of the world today is the weather. The bad weather started moving through in the early AM hours, about 4 or 4:30 AM, apparently. Although I was still fast asleep at that time and can’t verify that first hand! 🙂 I think I first woke up at about 6 AM or so, and it was raining. It didn’t get very bad in our part of the world, but in Rankin county, a tornado touched down and destroyed several houses and mobile homes (I wish they would ban those things, they are so dangerous). Also, the high school down in Mize was damaged. Needless to say, the local news people are having a field day and pre-empting all the regular tv stuff for their repeated coverage of “local news and weather”. I missed almost all of my soap (I know, I hear big groans out there, but I’ve been watching the darn thing for over 25 years now, gimme a break). I know it’s of interest to a lot of people, but when they start repeating the same “video” every 10 or 15 minutes, and then they show radar that has no rain on it currently (although it “might” get bad again later), and their weather guys are standing outside in sunshine reporting, it does start to irritate me a bit. Thank goodness for cable and the Internet!

I went and got my hair cut this morning, but since the weather was icky, I didn’t run the rest of my errands. Doing a lot of chores and laundry around here. And hanging out on the computer too, of course – you know me!

I just took the “winter” sheets off the bed and put on the “summer” sheets. The “winter” ones are jersey sheets that I would be perfectly happy to leave on the bed year round. Tim, however, doesn’t like them that much, so I try not to torture him year round with them. He thinks they are hot in the summer. Silly boy. They are so soft, and I sleep so much better on them. Tim could sleep on shaved bark. In the bright sunshine. Argh.

Along that same line, however, I am starting to have less problems with insomnia. I contribute it to the two things I’ve been trying to do. 1) Walk more. I can tell that I sleep better overall, especially on the days we do walk. I think the deciding factor is the second one – 2) Don’t drink caffeine at supper. I have made a huge effort to drink my tea or diet coke at lunch and not at dinnertime, and just drink water at night. This accomplishes two of my goals – cut down on caffeine and figure out why I’m suddenly plagued with bouts of insomnia. I’m very happy to report that the no-caffeine rule at night is really paying off. I do miss my tea with supper though 🙁


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