Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

ThreeX Thursday

Here’s a semi-new one – from This site

1. Do you think that pets lengthen life, reduce stress, etc for people? Why/why not? I think pets are terrific stress reducers, and probably do help lengthen life in a lot of ways. I know Sally always did for me. I had her before I met Tim, and I often sat on the floor and cried for hours, and she would sit there and try to lick my tears off, and try to get me to play with her, things like that. I think pets are very intuitive, dogs at least (I’m just not a cat person). I think because they love you so unconditionally, don’t ask anything of you, require nothing but the simplest of needs and give so much love in return, and the darn fact that you can be gone for 10 minutes or 10 hours and they are SO happy when you return – all of these are wonderful signals of how they love you and how glad they are that you are there. Terrific lessons for us all.

2. Do you think there is someone out there for everybody? Or, are some people just destined to be alone? Why/why not? Oh my, soapbox time. Love this one! I am such a strong believer in this. I believe God put us here for a purpose, and I truly believe (and know it without a shred of doubt in my case) that there is someone here for each of us. I know that is true for me, and for Tim. There’s not a single ounce of my being that doesn’t know he is my soulmate, and we were put on this earth to be together. God planned it, set it about to happen at exactly the right time, and let us each have different life experiences up to that point that would allow us to see that we were meant for each other, and to recognize it immediately. I know this to be true for me and I hope it is true for everyone, in spite of all of the divorces and sad things I see happening to so many people. OK, I’ll get off my soapbox now 😀

Click more to read the rest… warning, I get more verbose and opinionated!

3. Do you think society is collapsing? Why/why not? How/how not? Well, another one that requires probably more introspection and thought than I am prepared to give at the moment. Overall, I do believe that society is collapsing in certain ways. I believe that so many things that I see, well, that I feel are wrong in our society are all part of the “big picture”. All of the little things are all off-shoot consequences of the bigger thing – which to me, is that people have lost sight of God, of family, of faith, of committment, of their values and beliefs. Great principles our country was founded on. I believe that divorce, affairs, kids doing drugs and having sex at too young an age, kids taking guns to school and shooting their classmates and teachers, kids exposed to such violence and foul language in tv, movies, video games…. things like this are all just by-products of that. Of course, as Tim always points out (he’s great at playing devil’s advocate, much better than I am), I am probably just seeing one side… it has probably always been like this. There have always been problems. Always been cheating. Always been drugs or alcohol. Always been murders, robberies, etc. And even music, which we actually talked about the other night while walking – I don’t like a lot of the music today, which just means that I’m getting old probably! Tim pointed out, probably rightfully so, that our parents said the same thing about the music we listened to 20 years ago, and we’re just coming around in that cycle. But still, I still believe that the fabric of our society is slowing fading away because of a basic lack of faith –which affects how people live their individual life, treat their spouse, treat their children, and on and on. It’s all one big ball of wax!

Bonus Question for Comments: Do you think (even if you don’t have anything
of value) that people should have a will? Why/why not?
Yes. Hopefully everyone has someone left behind to mourn them, miss them when they are gone, and hopefully cherish something that belonged to that person, valuable or not. I believe in wills, if for no other reason than I’m business-like at times, and it just helps to have things laid out, stated before hand. It cuts down on the bickering, in-road type fighting, that might occur later on. Emotions always run so high then, I just think it’s better to have everything (will, living will, burial instructions, everything) stated in black and white.


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