Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

A Penny for Your Thoughts

I was thinking earlier today about blogging, and trying to think of something interesting to blog about. As usual, I’ve come up rather empty-handed. 🙂 This blog is named “Exceedingly Mundane” for a reason! It is very mundane, as is my life. It’s very simple and straightforward, as am I. It’s more like a traditional journal or diary than it is a forum for my thoughts, opinions and beliefs. For many reasons.

So, anyway, as I was thinking (and scrubbing things in the bathroom), the phrase “A Penny for Your Thoughts” popped into my head. Now, that’s one of those things I take for granted. I’ve heard it all my life, I say it and a hundred other cliches without thinking – what on earth does that mean? Where did that phrase originate?

I would have to look it up to figure it out. It seems like that is how I find things out these days. I am truly a child of computers and the Internet – I absolutely cannot function without my computer, and I go absolutely nuts if I have to exist more than a few hours without access to the Internet. If I want to know something, I go “Google” it. If am not sure how to spell a word, I might use the Websters dictionary in the bookcase, but then again, I’m probably just as likely to go to dictionary.com and look it up. I read blogs, websites, message boards, shop online (thankfully, more window shopping than actual buying). If I want to know something about a book, I go to Amazon. If I want to know something about a movie, I go to IMDB.com. Mostly, I Google things. 😀 I love to Google things. I do it all the time.

Let’s see, was I actually going anywhere with this? Probably not. Sorry folks! :mrgreen:

If you’d like, post a comment with your favorite phrase or cliche. Or what you do most on the computer. Or even, if you’re brave, what a geek you think I am! 🙂

P.S. Do you think this is the equivalent of a Seinfeld blog – something about nothing? 🙂

  1. Suzanne Said,

    Now that’s what I am talking about !!

    is a new phrase.

    Furgetaboutit……….in that old Chicago accent………

  2. Gail Said,

    It’s “fuhgetaboutit”

  3. Gail Said,

    isn’t it?

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