Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Mr. Potato-Head

Tim called me on the way home. He does almost every single day. It’s one of a few dozen little rituals we have, and it’s one that I truly love and cherish. I look forward to it every afternoon.

So, today, we talk about work and his day, and other various and sundry things, including whether we are going to walk when he gets in (we didn’t, it was getting cloudy, and he has woodworking on the brain, so he wanted to do that). I asked him, do you want me to cook the chicken inside, or do you want to do it on the grill? He said, if you do it, what are you cooking? NOTE – he obviously does not read the menus I faithfully post every week in the Cooking Forum on Hambones. Or else he would know this! Anyhoo, I said, I will make that honey dijon chicken over orzo, and we’ll have a big salad and a veggie. “Orzo??”, he says rather faintly. “Yes, orzo, I always serve it over orzo, the sauce is great on it”.

So, without missing a beat, Tim says “Do you want me to stop and pick up some fries to go with that?!!”

ARGH! Silly boy. He would eat potatoes every day of the week, two or three times a day. He doesn’t like orzo. Or any pasta for that matter, white or wheat. He doesn’t like rice. White or brown or wild rice or even the flavored mixes. He likes potatoes. Period. Boiled, steamed, baked, fried, mashed, creamed, roasted, grilled. He doesn’t care. He loves potatoes and only potatoes. I really think he would have stopped and picked up fries at some fast food place if I hadn’t told him emphatically “NO!”

In Summary – Note to Self: Self – fix the boy potatoes. He doesn’t like anything else.

Note #2 to Self – Tim will never do Atkins or South Beach or anything else that requires that he not eat potatoes. Ever.

Note #3 to Self – AHHH! I get it – Tim feels about potatoes how I feel about chocolate (light bulb flashes on). Oh, now I get it! 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    Just tell him you are fixing it to go over potatoes, small, small chopped up potatoes! (that looks somewhat like orzo!)

  2. Gail Said,

    Ohhh, I have something even better to do! NO, wait, I think I should save it for me to use on him one time…..sorry.

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