Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

My New Happy

As I blogged about below, I ordered myself a little happy with the rest of my birthday and Christmas money. It came in yesterday, and I’ve been having a blast playing with it ever since:

Palm Z22 PDA

No, I didn’t need a PDA. I’m not a busy working person anymore, and I don’t need to keep business contacts or appointments at the ready, or be able to read Word/Excel files, or check my email away from the office or home. But, this is an entry level Palm that is geared more towards a non-business environment. It keeps contacts and a calendar, and has several other nifty features that I can use (eReader with dictionary and thesaurus, CheckSplit, Photo Viewer, etc). I mostly wanted something to have with me that had addresses info (mailing address, phone, email accounts, etc), some calendar info (especially birthdays), and the main thing I wanted it for is lists. I LOVE making lists. I do it all the time, but I still do it on paper. I wanted something electronic to keep lists on.

This entry-level Palm comes with an app called “SplashShopper”, which is exactly what I was looking for. I can keep grocery lists, Walmart lists, Sam’s lists, movie rental lists, library book lists, music to buy at iTunes, movies at the theater and the show times, Chinese take-out menu (this was already on there, but I will have to modify it for our favorite restaurant!) – and basically, every other type of list imaginable on here.

I’ve got a lot of work to do to get it all on here and the way I want it, but that’s half the fun of it. I plan to do a lot of that today. And, on the next several trips to the grocery and Walmart, I will enter aisle information, price information and things like that, so I can keep up with prices and also sort my list by aisle. 🙂

Yes, I’m a nerd. Not that there was ever any doubt :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Backyard Animal Pics

Tim and I took some pictures the other afternoon of all the critters that come to visit on a regular basis in our backyard. We love our backyard. Well, the deck – I love my deck and all of my flowers, bird feeders and squirrel feeder. 🙂 We’re working on flower beds and a new project, so that part of the yard doesn’t look that great right now. But, it’s a work in progress, so hopefully it will look better soon. We had intended to work outside today, but Mother Nature is not going to cooperate. It’s supposed to rain off and on all day, so I’ve talked Tim into staying inside and working on other things. Plus, watching the NFL draft :mrgreen:

Anyway, I digress. There’s some new pictures of birds and squirrels on the extended page. Our pet squirrel (nicknamed “Right Ear”) comes regularly. We got some cute shots of him with corn and pecans, eating to his hearts content. 🙂 Also, a pair of doves. Check ’em out. 🙂

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Happy Birthday Daddy

Happy Birthday to my dad! This was taken way back when, when he was a pilot in the Navy 🙂

My Dad in the Navy

Posted by Stace

Where’s My Stuff?

I recently ordered something for myself from Amazon.com. Is it me, or does Amazon seem to be a lot slower than they used to? Maybe it’s because I picked the free shipping option, but they sure do seem a lot slower than in times past. I ordered one big item, and one accessory for it, and it took them 6 days before they pulled the order to be shipped. I’ve been checking every day to see if it’s gone postal. Now, it’s shipped and I’m anxiously awaiting my package. Nothing like getting happies in the mail. :mrgreen:

For the record, I spent the rest of my birthday and Christmas money on something I absolutely did not need. But, I wanted it. 🙂 (OK, stop right there – hush. I know – birthday and Christmas were months ago. It takes me a while to decide what to splurge “my” money on. Hush).

Time will tell if I actually wanted this thing or it was just a passing fancy. Oh well, I had money left over, so I guess that it’s good to be impractical and splurge on something you don’t really need, rather than nickel and diming the money on practical things that you do need or want.

You can play the guessing game if you like – we’ll see if anyone correctly guesses what my new item is. Post your guess in a comment, and I’ll post a picture of my new toy when it comes in.

In the mean time – where’s my stuff? I’m getting impatient! 😀


The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey NiffeneggerTim had to work late again last night, so I stayed up late and finished my latest book from the library – “The Time Traveler’s Wife” by Audrey Niffenegger. This was a whopper of a book, both in size (518 pages) and storyline. It’s the story of Henry, who has Chrono-Displacement disorder (he travels through time, without any control over it, of where he goes, when he goes, what happens to him, etc), and his wife Claire, whom he first meets when she is six years old. It flips around in time and place, back and forth throughout their lives. A very interesting concept, and a very different kind of book to read. I really liked it (didn’t LOVE it, but I really liked it). I had read several really good things about this book, on other people’s blogs and also at several message boards. It is a “Today Show Book Club Pick” from a couple of years ago, and also seems to be a popular pick for book clubs all over the country. I can certainly see why, it brings up a lot of interesting topics that could be discussed. 🙂

For the record, this makes book #21 for the year, with a total of 7,836 pages read. I have 2 more books from the library and now have to figure out which to read next! So many books, so little time :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Packing for a Trip::

Onesome: Packing– What type of packing do you do when you travel? Are you one of those who carefully does the “traveler’s roll” with each piece of clothing and tucks it carefully away? …or does everything more or less just find its way into the car somehow? Well, I’m a bit OCD, but more so about making sure I get everything on my list packed, than the manner in which it’s packed. I don’t roll my clothes or use special bags or packing methods. Clothes get folded, socks stuffed into corners, etc. I think I pack the car really well, but Tim has taken over that chore (and he thinks he does a better job than I do!). As far as packing lightly, I do not do that well. I pack everything but the kitchen sink. We’ve been traveling and vacationing via car the last several years, and I could take everything I want, and extra stuff too. Packing for an airline trip is going to be much more of a challenge for me. Paring down and packing lighter is going to be hard, really really hard.

Twosome: for a– change of pace how about a guided tour of any building or place you’d like to visit: where would you go if you had that opportunity? Wow, there’s still so many places I want to go. I guess if the sky is the limit, I’d love a guided tour of all kinds of museums, castles and palaces all over Europe. Start with London, and move on to Paris, and Rome.

Threesome: Trip– Where are you off to on your next trip? …or if you’re stuck in place for a while, where would you like to go? …and yes, “Anywhere!!!” is an okay answer ! We still haven’t decided on a destination for this summer’s vacation. Need to be doing some research – post some ideas in the comments section, please 🙂

Posted by Stace

Book Tag

A book tag I shameless swiped from Laura at her wonderful blog, The Noodle Incident. I love any and all things “bookish” 😀

1) Total number of books I own? I actually have no idea. Probably 150 or more, but that would include cookbooks and some old paperbacks that I probably need to donate or take to a used bookstore. I’ve actually worked hard over the years to not buy many books. Bookstores and buying books is a terrible addiction for me, like crack to a junkie or alcohol to an alcoholic, or the sound of a casino and slot machines to a person with a gambling problem. I could easily own 1000 books and never blink an eye. But, I’m very practical and realistic. I normally only read a book once. So, it makes more sense (money and space wise) for me to patronize my library. Which I do, relentlessly. I’ve probably checked out over 100 books in the last few years (that I could have easily bought, if I’d allowed myself). Whew – long answer!

2) The last book I bought? The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

3) The last book I read? Currently reading “The Time Traveler’s Wife” by Audrey Niffenegger. The last book I completed was “Return” by Karen Kingsbury and Gary Smalley (book 3 in a series of 5).

4) 5 books that mean a lot to me?

  • The Bible
  • The books I have from my grandmother
  • Three Weeks with My Brother by Nicholas and Micah Sparks (love this book, should buy it for my collection)
  • The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. One of only a few books that moved me to torrential tears
  • The Mitford books by Jan Karon. Love, love, love these books
  • Tags:
    Posted by Stace

    Hump Day

    Hump Day Ramblings…. Yesterday was spent dodging the rain and planting flowers most of the day. Along with lots of housework and laundry. Today, I’ve been gone most of the day. I went and got my hair cut this morning, and then when I got home, my dad was there. He had an appointment at the VA this morning, and came by afterwards. Tim and I took him to lunch at Chili’s, and he’s now headed back home. Tim is leaving soon for a golf lesson, and I’m going to blog some, do a few chores and hopefully, if I’m very lucky, curl up for a little while with my book. It’s dreary and cloudy here today (having rained quite a bit yesterday and last night), it’s a bit cooler, and overall, it just seems like a great day for reading. Of course, that’s if I get everything else done first. Gotta do the work first, work before play. 😀

    Posted by Stace


    Look what Tim brought home for me… he definitely knows the way to my heart!

    My Chocolate Happies!

    P.S. Now, we’re headed out for a walk. Like a little exercise is going to counter-act all those calories :mrgreen:

    Posted by Stace

    Tuesday Pictures

    I’ve been busy all day, planting flowers outside. I have gotten most of the ones I have bought planted, but still have a lot left to do. Several more beds to get ready (pull up pansies, rework the soil, etc), and then more to plant. I haven’t even started on the front of the house, I’m working solely in the backyard and in all of my many planters right now.

    Click on the extended entries to see all the pictures…
    Read the rest of this entry »

    Posted by Stace


    Tim and I are re-doing one of the flower beds in our backyard. We started it last year (long story, I didn’t want to do things without a plan, but Tim jumped in and pulled out most of the shrubs, tried to relocate a couple, and we ended up losing most all of them. Argh). Then the tiller broke, and we never finished that bed. It sat there all last year, looking horrible and empty and pitiful, and filled with weeds. Now, he has the tiller working again, and we’re starting back on this bed. Almost all of the plants are out, except for the tree we planted last year, and my rudbeckias that come up every spring and bloom every summer.

    Tim wanted to outline the bed with some red pavers, so he went yesterday and got some. As it turns out, this probably isn’t enough. These little buggers are expensive though!


    And here’s how we are doing them:


    I won’t show the rest of the bed because it still looks bad! We’ve got to get more dirt, some landscape fabric, shrubs, and then some other paver things. We’re now leaning toward making a paved area and building an arbor over it. Originally, Tim wanted to build a swing in the arbor, but I think I’ve talked him into relocating the glider that’s on the deck, and putting it under the arbor. We’ve got a lot left to do, so look for updates in the next few weeks (and months, probably!). 🙂

    Posted by Stace


    I feel the need to post a few flower pictures today. :mrgreen: Bear with me, I know, I know – if it ain’t flowers, it’s birds or squirrels!

    My first New Guinea impatien seems to be doing well, and blooming nicely:

    New Guinea Impatien blooming

    Our clematis is blooming, but in a weird way this year. All the blooms are in one area, not spread out all over the trellis like they usually are. Plus, they all bloomed at the same time. Boom, one day there were several buds ready to open, the next day there was a profusion of flowers:

    Clematis blooming, April 2006

    And finally, big Sigh. I love buying flowers and seeing them bloom, but I dislike the actual planting part. And come June and July when it’s hotter than blue blazes, I will resent getting out every day to water the little buggers. Anyone want to volunteer to come do some planting for me? This is just the first batch, I will need this many or more to fill in the rest of the beds and planters… these are just for the back yard and a few pots:

    Waiting to be planted....

    And yes, I don’t subscribe to the “pick a color scheme” or the “mass plant flowers in one color for maximum impact” mode of thought. Obviously. I like lots of color, and all kinds of colors, so I buy the mixed ones. My yard, my rules. Sort of like my blog. 😀

    Posted by Stace

    A Monday Lizzie Quizzie

    From this website:

    1. Do your parents still have any of your childhood art on display in their home? Heavens no!
    2. Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home? Yes
    3. How good of a speller are you? Pretty good, I think
    4. Nails… bare or polished? Hands, none; toes, only during sandal season
    5. What is the most expensive thing you have bought in the last year? Hmm, my new car last summer!
    6. Do you know how to set the clock in your car? Of course!
    7. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you lately? Nothing is coming to mind, but I’m a total klutz and I’m always sticking my foot in my mouth, so there’s no telling
    8. Ever talk to yourself? yes I do!
    9. Do you recount the money you receive back at the store? Bank? sometimes
    10. Don’t you hate it when _________________. I hate it when people pull out in front of me on a busy street or highway and make me slow way down or slam on breaks. I also hate when people insist on getting through a stop light at an intersection, and they end up blocking the intersection. Why on earth do you think you, your vehicle and your time are more important than mine? You just blocked me and I can’t get through! 🙂

    Posted by Stace

    Monday Madness Meme

    Monday Madness Meme

    This week’s theme is 5 THINGS… Thanks for playing, and have a blessed week! =)

    Name 5 Things that:

    1. Make you smile:
    Watching my birds at their bird feeder
    Seeing flowers popping up and blooming in the spring
    Going for coffee with Tim to Starbucks or Cups
    Smelling my new candle burning

    2. You can see on your desk right now:
    A pile of papers that need filing
    A backup CD of photos and files that needs to go in the safe
    The cable modem blinking
    My iPod
    Fortune cookies that need to be entered on Hambones

    3. Kept you busy this weekend:
    Running errands
    Going shopping with Tim
    Going out to eat with Tim
    Working Sudoku’s

    4. You’ll be doing this coming week:
    Planting flowers
    Going shopping
    Going to get my hair cut
    Reading my new books 🙂
    Blogging every day 🙂

    5. You’ve said to make someone else smile:
    Have a nice day, You look really nice today, Thank you!, things like that

    Posted by Stace

    Unconscious Mutterings


    I say … and you think … ?

    Rising:: Sun
    Third:: Day (this group)
    Disruptive:: messes up
    Surround:: Sound
    Distant:: memory
    Suction:: cups
    Fried:: chicken
    Nuggets:: chicken nuggets :mrgreen:
    Clip:: paper clip
    San Antonio:: Riverwalk

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