Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Tim and I are re-doing one of the flower beds in our backyard. We started it last year (long story, I didn’t want to do things without a plan, but Tim jumped in and pulled out most of the shrubs, tried to relocate a couple, and we ended up losing most all of them. Argh). Then the tiller broke, and we never finished that bed. It sat there all last year, looking horrible and empty and pitiful, and filled with weeds. Now, he has the tiller working again, and we’re starting back on this bed. Almost all of the plants are out, except for the tree we planted last year, and my rudbeckias that come up every spring and bloom every summer.

Tim wanted to outline the bed with some red pavers, so he went yesterday and got some. As it turns out, this probably isn’t enough. These little buggers are expensive though!


And here’s how we are doing them:


I won’t show the rest of the bed because it still looks bad! We’ve got to get more dirt, some landscape fabric, shrubs, and then some other paver things. We’re now leaning toward making a paved area and building an arbor over it. Originally, Tim wanted to build a swing in the arbor, but I think I’ve talked him into relocating the glider that’s on the deck, and putting it under the arbor. We’ve got a lot left to do, so look for updates in the next few weeks (and months, probably!). 🙂

  1. Gail Said,


  2. Laura Said,

    Looks good. I can’t even keep up with the inside of my house… I have no idea how I’m going to be able to handle an outside this summer!

  3. Suzanne Said,

    very nice!!!!

  4. BillH Said,

    Looks good. I know how those projects go… there’s a lot more work in them than most know. Make sure we see the completed project.

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