Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Packing for a Trip::

Onesome: Packing– What type of packing do you do when you travel? Are you one of those who carefully does the “traveler’s roll” with each piece of clothing and tucks it carefully away? …or does everything more or less just find its way into the car somehow? Well, I’m a bit OCD, but more so about making sure I get everything on my list packed, than the manner in which it’s packed. I don’t roll my clothes or use special bags or packing methods. Clothes get folded, socks stuffed into corners, etc. I think I pack the car really well, but Tim has taken over that chore (and he thinks he does a better job than I do!). As far as packing lightly, I do not do that well. I pack everything but the kitchen sink. We’ve been traveling and vacationing via car the last several years, and I could take everything I want, and extra stuff too. Packing for an airline trip is going to be much more of a challenge for me. Paring down and packing lighter is going to be hard, really really hard.

Twosome: for a– change of pace how about a guided tour of any building or place you’d like to visit: where would you go if you had that opportunity? Wow, there’s still so many places I want to go. I guess if the sky is the limit, I’d love a guided tour of all kinds of museums, castles and palaces all over Europe. Start with London, and move on to Paris, and Rome.

Threesome: Trip– Where are you off to on your next trip? …or if you’re stuck in place for a while, where would you like to go? …and yes, “Anywhere!!!” is an okay answer ! We still haven’t decided on a destination for this summer’s vacation. Need to be doing some research – post some ideas in the comments section, please 🙂

  1. Teena Said,

    I played too 🙂

  2. Teena Said,

    I’ve been to London twice and Paris once. I’d like to go back to both again … can I come with you??!! 🙂

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