Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Where’s My Stuff?

I recently ordered something for myself from Amazon.com. Is it me, or does Amazon seem to be a lot slower than they used to? Maybe it’s because I picked the free shipping option, but they sure do seem a lot slower than in times past. I ordered one big item, and one accessory for it, and it took them 6 days before they pulled the order to be shipped. I’ve been checking every day to see if it’s gone postal. Now, it’s shipped and I’m anxiously awaiting my package. Nothing like getting happies in the mail. :mrgreen:

For the record, I spent the rest of my birthday and Christmas money on something I absolutely did not need. But, I wanted it. 🙂 (OK, stop right there – hush. I know – birthday and Christmas were months ago. It takes me a while to decide what to splurge “my” money on. Hush).

Time will tell if I actually wanted this thing or it was just a passing fancy. Oh well, I had money left over, so I guess that it’s good to be impractical and splurge on something you don’t really need, rather than nickel and diming the money on practical things that you do need or want.

You can play the guessing game if you like – we’ll see if anyone correctly guesses what my new item is. Post your guess in a comment, and I’ll post a picture of my new toy when it comes in.

In the mean time – where’s my stuff? I’m getting impatient! 😀

  1. Laura Said,

    Ah, I have no guess. But for the record, the free shipping does take longer. They hold your order instead of shipping it out immediately… and then they send it USPS (at least most of the time).

  2. southernfriedgirl Said,

    Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe a new camera and a nice new lens?

  3. Suzanne Said,

    do we get any hints??
    a new dog

  4. Gail Said,

    something kitcheny or maybe like some of those philosophy or pureology stuff you want, that’s my guess!

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