Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Hump Day

Hump Day Ramblings…. Yesterday was spent dodging the rain and planting flowers most of the day. Along with lots of housework and laundry. Today, I’ve been gone most of the day. I went and got my hair cut this morning, and then when I got home, my dad was there. He had an appointment at the VA this morning, and came by afterwards. Tim and I took him to lunch at Chili’s, and he’s now headed back home. Tim is leaving soon for a golf lesson, and I’m going to blog some, do a few chores and hopefully, if I’m very lucky, curl up for a little while with my book. It’s dreary and cloudy here today (having rained quite a bit yesterday and last night), it’s a bit cooler, and overall, it just seems like a great day for reading. Of course, that’s if I get everything else done first. Gotta do the work first, work before play. 😀

  1. BillH Said,

    As the old Jack Handy “Deep Thoughts” line goes: Why is Wednesday called Hump Day when everyone you know gets laid on the weekends?! 😉

  2. southernfriedgirl Said,

    Girl, it was miserable and dreary here all day yesterday. I love days like that.

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